Tour de Cure training ride this Sunday - open to all! Skokie/North Branch


ALL are welcome to join us for an official Tour de Cure Training Ride this Sunday, May 3 at the Harms Woods Forest Preserve in Skokie, IL.

WHEN: Sunday, May 3, 8:30 AM
WHERE: Harms Woods forest preserve in Skokie*
*Intersection of Harms Road and Old Orchard Road;
Take the Old Orchard exit of I-94 and turn left on Old Orchard Road.

This ride will be no longer than 15 miles and will be conversationally paced it’s a great opportunity to learn more about riding in a group setting before you venture out on to the open roads of the Tour de Cure. The ride will be generously guided by members of the Evanston Bicycle Club and Tour de Cure coordinator Eric Goodwin will be on hand to answer questions about the upcoming events. Helmets are required and if possible, please bring a spare tube that is the right size for your bicycle wheel. Water and snacks will be available on the path!

Contact Eric Goodwin with questions at or (312) 346-1805

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