The Securitas guard grabbed me as i was unlocking at about 1140 pm. He let me know that an older guy was circling and eyeing my bike. The kid had the best intentions and didn't know if the guy had just put the bike up on the wall or not so he just watched it.


Heads up for stolen bike activity. I let the kid know about the stolen bikes crew and gave him knowledge on prevention. Next time he'll call the cops cause he knows this bike is mine (it's my back up sadly but i'll let him know my everyday as well).


Just thought I'd share.

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Sounds like a good idea to me.  It also just crossed my mind (I'm sure people have already done this in some areas) to put up fliers that tell you the right way and the right kind of lock to use when locking up your bike.    

Davo said:

Would flyering, in an area that has had recent bike thefts, about watching out for bike theves be a good deterrent? I'm thinking like a bunch of them on poles, trees, business windows... Kind of like having the security signs in front of homes that dont have them. Also maybe bystanders would pay more attention if they saw these signs.

No disagreement here-- heaps of reports suggest that lots of foot traffic does not seem to be a deterrent to cutting cable locks, and may even facilitate it in some way.

Anne B. said:

FYI that U-lock/cable combo is NOT working in this area- several people have lost wheels that were cable-locked through a u-lock. Mine were taken overnight but several daytime thefts reported in this area. Very surprising given the high amount of foot traffic around here. Has there ever been targeted flyering done in a specific area to warn of increased bike theft? (I need to check against stolen bike registry to confirm that this is actually an increase and not just increased perception of regular levels of theft). I'd be happy to put up flyers but haven't really thought through whether this would be helpful and/or is needed. 

I'm up for flyering in this area starting about a week from now (knuckled down under studying for finals currently)- any suggestions on what the flyer text should emphasize? 

The problem here is that people don't "see" bike theft.  Apart from sawing a lock with a power tool, any of the actions described in  this thread would be indestinguishable to any casual observer, even many cyclists, from someone tending to their own bike.


Without getting too wordy, any flyer should include:

-wording that the specific location has been targeted by bike thieves recently

-wording encouraging people to 'start seeing' bike theft, including what to do when they see it.


The last part is problematic.  Calling 911 is 100 kinds of useless in such a situation.

And you don't want to advise anyone to take a course of action that might get them injured.


Ideally one would stop the thief in a way that would not put them at risk. . .


If you're willing to do the footwork I'd like to get you some stickers too.

Another recent (attempted) theft update from this area:


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