Tomorrow's ride: Liar's tour or Wicker Park Critical Mass or both?

Since the start point of the two rides tomorrow night are so close, what do people think of merging/combining them?  I'd hate to choose between them!


Liar's tour:  West Town Bikes, 2459 W Division




Wicker Park Critical Mass: Nelson Algren Fountain in the Polish Triangle at the intersection of Milwaukee Ave. & Division Street




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You mean WPCM coming on the Liar's Tour?  I'm sure Lee would be cool with that - if they can pay the reasonable registration fee.
Is there really a fee or is that a joke?
You're new here, aren't you?

April said:
Is there really a fee or is that a joke?
Well said, Kelvin.

Kelvin Mulcky said:

Lee is cool with WPCM coming on Liar's Tour of course.  There is a set course/route/itinerary so they just need to make their way to the start (West Town Bikes) at 6:00 to come along.  All are welcome.


Cheers - Lee

You're kidding, right?

Lee Diamond said:

Lee is cool with WPCM coming on Liar's Tour of course.  There is a set course/route/itinerary so they just need to make their way to the start (West Town Bikes) at 6:00 to come along.  All are welcome.


Cheers - Lee

Thanks Lee, It sounds good to me, but I am not a WPCM organizer, so I guess it will be up to them.  I was just making my Friday night plans for a ride and I realized that one big group of riders might be more fun than two small groups. So I'd love if an organizer from WPCM would speak up.
Gee folks I'm not that stupid.  Far be it for me to undermine the beautiful anarchy of the mass.  I just thought the two groups of cyclist might want to join up. Oh well.  I am not going to make either ride afterall because my bike is being held prisoner (my husband accidently took the u lock key to work and my bike is locked to his.) Bummer.  Have fun kids.


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