End “Share The Road”

Bike Delaware has asked the Delaware Department of Transportation to discontinue its use of the “Share The Road” sign.

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Thank you! "Share the road" is a flawed way of thinking. Cyclists should get their own space separated from motor traffic. Sharing the road only leads to more deaths. "Share the road" also implies that cyclists should get out of the way for cars (hence "sharing").

> Cyclists should get their own space separated from motor traffic.

Per Chicago, I respectfully disagree.  I've always gotten a kick out of riding _in_traffic_ in Chicago.  On two lane blacktop in middle of nowhere I've been known to feel differently.  Where speeds of all vehicles are roughly equivalent (with bikes often, legally, travelling faster), and as someone who enjoys pushing myself while riding:

I think not being restricted to a smaller lane sometimes filled with slow moving cyclists (including salmon!!!), roller-bladers, or joggers is most preferable.


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