Hi all,

This is my first post on 'the chainlink,' so hopefully I've found the right place. (If not, please be patient with me!)

I currently own a cruiser bike which is lovely for summer biking; however, I'm getting anxious to start riding, especially on the unseasonably warm winter days. Do any of you have recommendations on where I can find a fix-me-up bike that could handle the wintery Chicago streets (and, in that vein, Chicago streets in general?) Eventually I would love to learn how to tune and upgrade my own lil' rider.


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Ciclo Urbano is the retail arm of West Town Bikes, one of Chicago's best bicycle learning resources. Regardless of where you choose to purchase your beater from they are an excellent resource for teaching yourself valuable repair skills. In addition to the build a bike classes they offer a tune up class, a winter basics class as well as twice weekly open shops where you can work on your bike under the supervision of their volunteers. They also offer a 'women's night' in case you wish to repair your bicycle in a penis free environment.

Katie Paffhouse said:
This is awesome! Have you built a bike with them?!

Tim Quirk said:
Ciclo Urbano has some great rebuilt bikes at great prices. http://www.ciclourbanochicago.com/bikes.html If you're looking to fix it up yourself they have an 8-week build-a-bike class for $200. Though I'm pretty sure you can get a nice bike there for that same price. They're a great organization worth supporting too.
Attached to a bike, attached to anything that is not alive and breathing ? Ha Ha, Perfect example of being unwise person. Few people realize in that just a few moments it all can change and that is when the regrets come into play for not placing value of what is really important in life, It certainly is NOT being in possession of a bike. It is riding it or giving it to someone else to ride. Agree ??? comments ?
Ah, yes, lets get philosophical. I have to say, I agree to some point, but then again a bike can take on meaning beyond the object it is. I don't think it is unwise to care for an object that is beautiful and can help us be better, more capable, more fit, more fun... etc. Know where I'm coming from? I don't love my bike as much as I do my fish, and I do not love my fish as much as my friend... but I do love my bike and I am attached. Alas, I have to let her go this spring. She is too mighty a steed for I, and I must get properly fit to another. But I will always cherish that gleaming chrome beauty.

cutifly said:
Attached to a bike, attached to anything that is not alive and breathing ? Ha Ha, Perfect example of being unwise person. Few people realize in that just a few moments it all can change and that is when the regrets come into play for not placing value of what is really important in life, It certainly is NOT being in possession of a bike. It is riding it or giving it to someone else to ride. Agree ??? comments ?
I agree but do understand the feeling cuz I repair a lot of "junked" bikes and after riding them I get attached and not want to part. I have to overcome these sometimes strong feelings as I have too many cuz I just keep on finding and fixing...

Tim Quirk said:
Ah, yes, lets get philosophical. I have to say, I agree to some point, but then again a bike can take on meaning beyond the object it is. I don't think it is unwise to care for an object that is beautiful and can help us be better, more capable, more fit, more fun... etc. Know where I'm coming from? I don't love my bike as much as I do my fish, and I do not love my fish as much as my friend... but I do love my bike and I am attached. Alas, I have to let her go this spring. She is too mighty a steed for I, and I must get properly fit to another. But I will always cherish that gleaming chrome beauty.

cutifly said:
Attached to a bike, attached to anything that is not alive and breathing ? Ha Ha, Perfect example of being unwise person. Few people realize in that just a few moments it all can change and that is when the regrets come into play for not placing value of what is really important in life, It certainly is NOT being in possession of a bike. It is riding it or giving it to someone else to ride. Agree ??? comments ?
Let me also add that when I did a 75 mile charity ride a couple years back, when I was very new to distance riding, it did feel like I was being dismembered when I got off the bike. That is to say I felt very much attached to my bike. Then again that could have been because I was in no shape to be riding that kind of distance and was pretty delirious.

Smokin Bakin said:
I agree but do understand the feeling cuz I repair a lot of "junked" bikes and after riding them I get attached and not want to part. I have to overcome these sometimes strong feelings as I have too many cuz I just keep on finding and fixing...
Tim Quirk said:
Ah, yes, lets get philosophical. I have to say, I agree to some point, but then again a bike can take on meaning beyond the object it is. I don't think it is unwise to care for an object that is beautiful and can help us be better, more capable, more fit, more fun... etc. Know where I'm coming from? I don't love my bike as much as I do my fish, and I do not love my fish as much as my friend... but I do love my bike and I am attached. Alas, I have to let her go this spring. She is too mighty a steed for I, and I must get properly fit to another. But I will always cherish that gleaming chrome beauty.

cutifly said:
Attached to a bike, attached to anything that is not alive and breathing ? Ha Ha, Perfect example of being unwise person. Few people realize in that just a few moments it all can change and that is when the regrets come into play for not placing value of what is really important in life, It certainly is NOT being in possession of a bike. It is riding it or giving it to someone else to ride. Agree ??? comments ?
Working bikes is at about 2400 S on Western and has great deals on rehabbed bikes rescued from the waste stream. And it would be supporting a good cause.
They donate bikes to far off places and, I believe, nearby needy kids as well.

They also have a regular Women's night of working on bikes.
I have said in the past, and still believe, that of all of my possessions, my bike is the only one I truly care about. I envision the bike/rider relationship like that of a dog/owner - the bike is always wanted to go outside, spend time with you and makes life more enjoyable. The more you learn about the craft, the better you relate to it. It's easy to fall in love with them. Yes, materialism sucks, but this type of love is hard to beat;)
I figure a bump might make a difference in someone lives (mainly mine) will trade this ten speed and include and seat and fix to make rideable in trade for a Pci Wireless G card for an old desktop. If you have one let me know and I will even throw in an extra innertube. Marty 773-343-4500 ...


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