We've made great strides with innovative bike infrastructure in Chicago. But we must keep the momentum going.

A new post on the Active Trans blog sketches out some next steps in continuing to create world-class biking infrastructure in Chicago.   

Protected bike lanes are one of the best tools we have to encourage more people to use bicycles as transportation. But to fully reap cycling’s many benefits, we need to close gaps in the growing bike network and go beyond plastic posts to build the next-generation of protected bike lanes...

Read the rest of the post.

Ted Villaire, Active Trans

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"The focus on re-establishing more liveable cities continues unabated. The primary problem however is that 85 years of traffic engineering revolving around the car has failed miserably.

It's time for modern thinking. Design can help. Historically, streets were human spaces. Let's design our cities like we design toasters or smartphones, following the desire lines of our citizens. Using basic design principles instead of engineering is the surest route to developing thriving, human cities."

Thanks for sharing this video. I thought I had seen every TED Talk, but apparently I missed this all-important one.
Mattheis said:


"Well designed bicycle infrastructure will seduce people to use it."

He also has a great answer to those who complain about cyclists who (often sensibly) do not obey  current traffic regulations (red lights, stop signs). Starting at around 9:16

"...no. I have one response to that. Those bicyclists do not have adequate bicycle infrastructure, even worse, none at all, never mind the fact that they are forced to abide by a traffic culture and traffic laws that were invented to serve the automobile - a completely different transport form."

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks for sharing this video. I thought I had seen every TED Talk, but apparently I missed this all-important one.
Mattheis said:

Glad you enjoyed! Mikael, the speaker from Copenhagenize, has many more wonderful videos that passionately and eloquently plead the case for more livable streets. Here's a link to his Vimeo channel: http://vimeo.com/copenhagenize 


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