This Sunday - Full Tune/Overhaul Bike Class at Rapid Transit Cycleshop - North Ave

Rapid Transit Cycleshop is pleased to offer a Bike Overhaul class beginning next Sunday, February 13th. Each class will begin shortly after 5 pm and go until 8 pm. The 4 classes in this session will be held on these dates:

February 13th, February 20th, February 27th and March 6th.


Tuition for the class is $195.00 which includes the Park Tool "Big Blue Book of Bicycle Repair" and a 10% discount on any item in the shop (excluding new bikes).

Areas covered in the class will be:

Bearing Surfaces (Bottom Bracket, Headset, Hubs)

Wheel Truing


Shifting (Derailleurs)

Participants need to provide their own bike for the course. Cables and cable housing will be provided.


We still have some open stands - so please call the shop 773-227-2288 or email nick "at" rapidtransitcycles dot com and reserve your place in the class today.


Thanks for reading.

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I was wondering what were the expected prerequisites for this class? Basically, is this class suitable for someone who can't even really name the parts of the bike, or is this more of an intermediate class where most of the students already have a passing knowledge of the tools.

I don't know if I'd take a class from these guys...

My girlfriend just bought a set of wheels from them that didn't even have the right number of bearings in the hubs.


Well jlj - has your girlfriend taken it up with the shop? We try to inspect everything that goes out the door, but can make mistakes. We do not install bearings on the new wheels that we sell - that happens in Taiwan or China (or wherever they are manufactured). We guarantee all of our work and merchandise and are pretty up front about that. So instead of turning this thread into a bad yelp review why don't you have her contact us for assistance?


Nick Wilson

jlj said:

I don't know if I'd take a class from these guys...

My girlfriend just bought a set of wheels from them that didn't even have the right number of bearings in the hubs.


Hi David,

You don't need to know all of the parts of the bike. We can teach you the parts of the bike and how to disassemble, clean, reassemble and adjust those parts to make your bike run like new.


We have had absolute beginners take this class as well as people who have overhauled their bikes before who wanted stand time in a class environment with all of the necessary tools. No experience is required to take this class.




Nick Wilson


David said:

I was wondering what were the expected prerequisites for this class? Basically, is this class suitable for someone who can't even really name the parts of the bike, or is this more of an intermediate class where most of the students already have a passing knowledge of the tools.

Rapid does a great job, whether it's sales, service or instruction. Many of their mechanics have instructed classes at West Town Bikes and volunteer with us on a regular basis. I recommend this class, especially knowing if Nick is teaching because he has taught Build-A-Bike for WTB.



Do you guys sell tools as well? I got a Park Tools bottom bracket tool that works on one of my bikes but I need a larger one for a bike I'm trying to overhaul.

Hi Davo,


We stock a lot of Park Tools and can get whatever we don't have in stock within a week (if in stock with the distributor) - we can also get tools from Pedro's, Hozan, Shimano, J.A. Stein and others. Please feel free to call or come by the shop and we will do our best to help you with your project.



Nick Wilson

Rapid Transit Cycleshop

1900 W North Ave



p.s. we also have a shop at 1305 S Halsted if that is more convenient for you.


Davo said:
Do you guys sell tools as well? I got a Park Tools bottom bracket tool that works on one of my bikes but I need a larger one for a bike I'm trying to overhaul.

I took this class about a year ago.  I highly recommend the class.  They went above and beyond my expectations.  They have kept me happy with repeat purchases since. They stand by their work and if something isn’t right (rarely- if ever), they’ve made it right.  They stand by their work.


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