I cannot believe how disgusting humans can be sometimes. I mean really? This guy could have died.



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ugh indeed

Can I suggest you re-title this thread "Unconscious man robbed in Ann Arbor," or something more descriptive and make it "not bike related?"

Michelle Loomis said:

Title changed but I think this is bike related. Cyclists need to be reminded that not all people in this world are good and crap like this happens. I always thought I would be safer on a bike than as a pedestrian when riding through rough neighborhoods. There is no back story on why this man was being chased, but this shows that perhaps when someone is chasing you- you might look back and run over a parking block or Just not paying attention to what is in front of you or not thinking properly.


In any case this is just a sad situation.

Kevin C said:

Can I suggest you re-title this thread "Unconscious man robbed in Ann Arbor," or something more descriptive and make it "not bike related?"

Michelle Loomis said:

Damn! I liked Ann Arbor when I visited a few years back. Now I can't move there anymore. Apparently it's a dangerous place. Thanks for letting me know, Michelle.

Sorry, I didn't notice the bike related angle. But now people can see what the thread is about and decide whether they want to open it and click through. Thanks. 

Michelle Loomis said:

Title changed but I think this is bike related. Cyclists need to be reminded that not all people in this world are good and crap like this happens. I always thought I would be safer on a bike than as a pedestrian when riding through rough neighborhoods. There is no back story on why this man was being chased, but this shows that perhaps when someone is chasing you- you might look back and run over a parking block or Just not paying attention to what is in front of you or not thinking properly.


In any case this is just a sad situation.

Kevin C said:

Can I suggest you re-title this thread "Unconscious man robbed in Ann Arbor," or something more descriptive and make it "not bike related?"

Michelle Loomis said:


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