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It appears that fb status/profile pic changes have become the new Live Strong wristband

Gabe said:

I'm asking friends on FB to change their profile pics in support of Critical Mass and in support of the Cyclists in Brazil that were hurt by this insane behavior. Media might not be reporting on it but we can make them see our numbers.


And if you aren't a supporter of CM you are just as vulnerable when you are riding alone even if you don't wanna recognize it. Support your fellow cyclists cause you are supporting yourself in the process.

It's the same reply "I was just trying to drive home and these bikes got in the way! I mean buy a car for chrissakes"  Running over someone with a 3-4 thousand pound metal hunk=pussy.

Gabe said:
Can't wait to hear what his side of the story is.
I'm glad it the car isn't a Toyota and the POS tries to blame it on the made-up runaway car syndrome.
Perhaps at the March CCM we should wear or display Brazillian flags. Just an Idea.
We could all get Brazilians! Tougher to show though ;-) I like the idea Cliffy! ;-)
You can use that idea at your next WNBR

Gabe said:
We could all get Brazilians! Tougher to show though ;-) I like the idea Cliffy! ;-)
i'm wearing Pants as usual but you are welcome to! ;-)
i like this idea. Maybe print out a small flag and display it on your bars or helmet. Might help to at least get some publicity to the incident.

Reddog said:
Perhaps at the March CCM we should wear or display Brazillian flags. Just an Idea.
I've got my #9 football jersey if it's not freezing or pouring but it's a long way off til the next big Mass. NSCM is closer for those that attend.


Another graphic car vs. bikes pic. and story from Mexico.


An update on Brazil. He's claiming self defense.



I don't know what is worse, this guy's homicidal lunatic driving behavior or the total and complete lack of coverage by the English-speaking Media outlets. 

Gabe said:


An update on Brazil. He's claiming self defense.


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