This is so silly...

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I don't know about you, but every time I blow something up, I always like to leave a sticker before hand indicating so... (this statement should be ridiculous not to be taken seriously, but as this man in the video may still face charges, I'm going to announce that the above statement is completely fiction and crammed full of fucking sarcasm)
On the other hand, if we had stickers that said "This car is a weapon of mass destruction" and stuck them on car would probably just be laughed off. Anyone want to start a band with that name?

since WMDs are kind of a joke now, maybe "This car has a family history of man slaughter."
Aaaahhhh, where's the fuse? Love how we spend millions of tax dollars to train our law enforcement to be explosive specialist!
First Amendment or like yelling "Fire" ? Probably not the "smartest" sticker around.
Yeah they are pretty good. Like modern day versions of Woody Gutherie

Nope. Not a good sticker to have at an airport....especially in places with more right wing rednecks. "Memphis" by Chuck Berry goes with the video if you mute the Fox story. "Memphis"

Chuck stops the intro just as the car commercial goes off.... Seems like more of a much longer advertisement for new cars. Tennessee might be really hurting due to the financial crisis as there are a few parts manufacturers for GM in the state. Yes - I'm a Roger and Me fan. I lived in Cleveland in the '80's - people get downright nasty when they're out of work and out of money. Roger and Me

But in the end having "Pipe Bomb" stickers on bikes doesn't help anybody, in my opinion. Goodbye GM letter

Matt M. said:
Nope. Not a good sticker to have at an airport....especially in places with more right wing rednecks. "Memphis" by Chuck Berry goes with the video if you mute the Fox story. "Memphis"

Chuck stops the intro just as the car commercial goes off.... Seems like more of a much longer advertisement for new cars. Tennessee might be really hurting due to the financial crisis as there are a few parts manufacturers for GM in the state. Yes - I'm a Roger and Me fan. I lived in Cleveland in the '80's - people get downright nasty when they're out of work and out of money. Roger and Me

But in the end having "Pipe Bomb" stickers on bikes doesn't help anybody, in my opinion.
Nice. And then the screaming surprise in link #2. Something about the Memphis video sounds like a story I've heard over and over again.

Mike Schwab said: Goodbye GM letter

Matt M. said:
Nope. Not a good sticker to have at an airport....especially in places with more right wing rednecks. "Memphis" by Chuck Berry goes with the video if you mute the Fox story. "Memphis"

Chuck stops the intro just as the car commercial goes off.... Seems like more of a much longer advertisement for new cars. Tennessee might be really hurting due to the financial crisis as there are a few parts manufacturers for GM in the state. Yes - I'm a Roger and Me fan. I lived in Cleveland in the '80's - people get downright nasty when they're out of work and out of money. Roger and Me

But in the end having "Pipe Bomb" stickers on bikes doesn't help anybody, in my opinion.
it totally makes sense to have stickers made revealing your intentions instead of just writing it in marker. way to overreact law enforcement. did the 9/11 hijackers place a "this plane will crash into a building" sticker on it before it took off? it's worth looking in to. intelligence gathering is probably just easier by looking at stickers.
So that's Asheville, NC and Memphis TN that a cyclist should not be in. Any other places in the country we need to avoid?
It is the perfect time to start selling my "This bike is not a pipe bomb, but your mother is!" stickers. This reminds of the time Boston shut down the mass transit system over an Aqua Teen Hunger Force promotion. These agencies that freak out over this kind of stuff need to start employing a current/pop events consultant (some teenager will do) so they stop wasting resources when something scary like a sticker or flashing mooninite sign is found in public places. Screw it, I want a "this bike is a nuclear sub" or "this bike is world war 3" sticker. I want to really turn some heads.


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