You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

Views: 105560

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Your repeated assertions of having removed yourself from the community remain unsubstantiated. And nice spin on that previous conversation. Because that's not a self-serving mischaracterization at all.

Don't you have some books you could be pretending to understand?

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

I called a dude an asshole and someone responded by telling me I needed "a good pounding." That was the final straw toward closing the comments. It's not a mischaracterization at all. This is a website full of people who claim to be good citizens and are not.

Simon Phearson said:

Your repeated assertions of having removed yourself from the community remain unsubstantiated. And nice spin on that previous conversation. Because that's not a self-serving mischaracterization at all.

Don't you have some books you could be pretending to understand?

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

Thought this was missed connections not PC Police, look at my outrage?

"PC Police" is another way of saying "I do not give a shit who my words and actions affect negatively because I just want to say them." 

Tim S said:

Thought this was missed connections not PC Police, look at my outrage?

Perhaps if Chainlinkers don't want to have these discussions in various threads they could just STOP saying those words.

Michelle, this really isn't the thread to derail with this argument or your ostentatious self-martyrdom, so I'm not going to engage after this comment, but if this is your genuine impression of what happened in that other thread, you need to take a long, careful look at your analytical skills. Because they are misserving you here.

You called a dude an asshole and advocated for his physical assault because he used the word "retarded" as a "slur." When you were called out for being an classist asshole, yourself, you insisted that your actions were beyond reproach, refusing to acknowledge your own privilege. Someone eventually posted a photoshopped cel from a comic book where Iron Man tells Captain America that maybe he needs some "solid dick," which I understand was once a way of referring to a frank discussion. That "understanding" may be only apocryphal, but certainly that reading was consistent with the present context. That the phrase also has a sexual connotation in modern parlance is certainly true, and was likely part of the intended "humor" in posting it, but the cel didn't in anyway suggest that the "solid dick" would be in the form of sexual violence towards women, as you've asserted here.

Hypocritically and not surprisingly, despite your own implied threats of violence, you reacted to that comment in the most extreme way imaginable, but to be clear, your massive derail of that thread was responsible for its freezing, not the sub-scandal raised toward the very end of it.

Since I don't want that fate to fall upon this active and well-liked thread, this is the last I'm going to say about it. But suffice it to say that I am skeptical many in this community miss being reminded that you're superior to all of them.

Michelle Milham said:

I called a dude an asshole and someone responded by telling me I needed "a good pounding." That was the final straw toward closing the comments. It's not a mischaracterization at all. This is a website full of people who claim to be good citizens and are not.

Simon Phearson said:

Your repeated assertions of having removed yourself from the community remain unsubstantiated. And nice spin on that previous conversation. Because that's not a self-serving mischaracterization at all.

Don't you have some books you could be pretending to understand?

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

Sorry, when I read pictures on the internet I don't go back to what they meant in the 1950s. That was a sexual threat dude. 

And yes I derailed that thread. I'll derail this one too. Until SOMEONE here at the chainlink makes a decision that hate speech and sexual harrasment will not be tolerated. 

Also, there is really no need to put the word "slur" in quotes. The word is a slur. 

Also, I did not ask anyone to go beat this guy up or advocate for his assault. I said "I hope someday someone hits you for using this word." Which is neither of those things. I say that to my own brother who loves using the N word on a daily basis too. They'd deserve 1 smack in the face as a wake up call. 

Also the claims of "classism" are laughable. I'm lower middle class myself. It's not that hard to say "oh... it's offensive? Why?" if you don't understand instead of defending your need to be offensive to people. There is nothing classist about calling out hate speech and then calling out that defensiveness about hate speech is an asshole move.

Simon Phearson said:

Michelle, this really isn't the thread to derail with this argument or your ostentatious self-martyrdom, so I'm not going to engage after this comment, but if this is your genuine impression of what happened in that other thread, you need to take a long, careful look at your analytical skills. Because they are misserving you here.

You called a dude an asshole and advocated for his physical assault because he used the word "retarded" as a "slur." When you were called out for being an classist asshole, yourself, you insisted that your actions were beyond reproach, refusing to acknowledge your own privilege. Someone eventually posted a photoshopped cel from a comic book where Iron Man tells Captain America that maybe he needs some "solid dick," which I understand was once a way of referring to a frank discussion. That "understanding" may be only apocryphal, but certainly that reading was consistent with the present context. That the phrase also has a sexual connotation in modern parlance is certainly true, and was likely part of the intended "humor" in posting it, but the cel didn't in anyway suggest that the "solid dick" would be in the form of sexual violence towards women, as you've asserted here.

Hypocritically and not surprisingly, despite your own implied threats of violence, you reacted to that comment in the most extreme way imaginable, but to be clear, your massive derail of that thread was responsible for its freezing, not the sub-scandal raised toward the very end of it.

Since I don't want that fate to fall upon this active and well-liked thread, this is the last I'm going to say about it. But suffice it to say that I am skeptical many in this community miss being reminded that you're superior to all of them.

Michelle Milham said:

I called a dude an asshole and someone responded by telling me I needed "a good pounding." That was the final straw toward closing the comments. It's not a mischaracterization at all. This is a website full of people who claim to be good citizens and are not.

Simon Phearson said:

Your repeated assertions of having removed yourself from the community remain unsubstantiated. And nice spin on that previous conversation. Because that's not a self-serving mischaracterization at all.

Don't you have some books you could be pretending to understand?

Michelle said:

Maybe they've noticed the lack of people posting threats of sexual violence towards women who are trying to address the use of hate speech on this website.

Fuck. I'm so glad I removed myself from this community.

Simon Phearson said:

I'm sure no one's really noticed, so it's a good thing you've weighed in to let us know.

Michelle said:

Oh don't bother worrying about it. I still follow emails here but I don't post anymore because I don't post where people are not welcome regardless of ability. I guess I'm done with Chainlink.

rwein5 said:

Retarded? Really? Are hoping to re-stoke the ultimate flame war of 2014?

Please dont derail this thread, your outrage is noted.

This is a hilarious/serious place to vent that many of us enjoy as it is a place to know we are not alone in frustrations on the road. I doubt the comment was meant to be mean to those you defend just a typed word out of frustration.

It doesn't MATTER what it was meant as. It's offensive and hurtful that people toss it around like it means nothing in the first place. Just STOP USING IT. There are so many other, better words to use, many of which were noted in that thread. Stop defending using that ONE WORD that people are legitimately hurt by.

I say this as a person who DID use that word, my ENTIRE adolescence. Then, in high school, I started working with people with Down syndrome and they told me how hurtful it was, directly. So I stopped. It was a conscious process to retrain myself to not use that word, but I don't anymore. Since that day. I don't think it's all that much to ask of people. Put that word in the box you put the N word in in your brain, and call it a day. 

Tim S said:

Please dont derail this thread, your outrage is noted.

This is a hilarious/serious place to vent that many of us enjoy as it is a place to know we are not alone in frustrations on the road. I doubt the comment was meant to be mean to those you defend just a typed word out of frustration.

"You know there is a campaign to end the use of the R word?"
"What R Word? Retard."

Ps - this conversation doesn't make the retard that passes between me and a van any less of a retard.

Oh and I taught Special Edu. Congrats on your high horse.

rwein5 said:

Wow. But this conversation (your post) does make you a pretty heartless human being. Nothing like doubling down to prove that you legitimately do not care what others suffer as a direct result of your actions.

You are a pathetic excuse for a special ed teacher. That's horrendous. Find a different field if you have no respect for the people in yours.

Vilda said:

"You know there is a campaign to end the use of the R word?"
"What R Word? Retard."

Ps - this conversation doesn't make the retard that passes between me and a van any less of a retard.

rwein5 said:

Actually I stopped after a year cause i hated the parents. Adults are morons....

Weren't you leaving?

And I care what people think sometimes, but I'm finding it hard to care what you think...Since you keep posting and posting and posting. I can be heartless if you can be quiet...

rwein5 said:


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