You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Every crosswalk in the city should have such a sign.  But instead of a floppy fold-down it should be mounted on a 3-foot diameter steel-reinforced concrete bollard set 8-feet into the ground.   Put two in, on each side of the crosswalk to create a pedestrian refuge.  Just don't get it high enough to block the vision of the ped crossing the street so they can see when it is safe to come out of the mid-street bunker.   

Anyone who hits one deserves what they get.  IMHO someone who hits one of these signs should have their driving priviliages instantly and permanently revoked for life.  The privilege to pilot a 2000+ pound death weapon.  

These signs could just as well have been a small child.  Every time I see one beat up and ran down I think of some parent who could be laying a wreath on a grave if that had been a tiny human instead of a retro-reflective brightly-colored sign that is impossible to miss by anyone paying attention and possesses a warmer than room temperature IQ.

Just SLOW DOWN.  The road is not a race track or a MMORP version of grand theft auto.  

You in the New dark BWM or Audi.

Me on the Raleigh with the bright Orange Shirt

Location:  Ainslie and Kedzie.  You Northbound, Me Eastbound.

Its a four way stop.  This means I stop and the cross traffic stop.  Then a car from each side of the cross traffic goes, then I go, then you go.   Not a car from each side goes, then you go right away.  And don't tell me that 

1.  You didn't see me (I guess bright orange is the wrong color to wear)

2.   That Cars have the right of way at four way stops and I must let all cars clear before I go.  

Kiss kiss.

The man riding on Winthrop by Swift Elementary this morning: I'm sorry I've made a snarky remark behind you, but you were talking on your phone - in the school zone - with a crazy amount of school drop-off traffic, and 4 cyclists stuck behind you.

Also, thanks for hanging up your phone immediately after I made said remark. I feel like a big jerk.

I've got a nice one!

To the guy who blew the light at Milwaukee and Hubbard - then, waiting at Grand, obliged when I saw you ready to take off and asked, "please don't!" You're right - it is a lovely evening to pedal around in no hurry. Thank you for stopping for the red light!

To the little guy who I encountered on my ride who said "wow even bikers have to stop at read lights!" I hope you remember this exchange when you decide to ride a bike. 

The young lady on an orange Masi & wearing a blue backpack, waiting for the green at Elston & Milwaukee this evening: Thank you for waiting for the green light. In the future, please consider not doing do an entire bike length into the intersection as you blocked any cyclists turning right onto Elston - I watched 2 try to get around you.

Hey beardo heading west on Wilson at Rockwell this evening;

I gave you a heads up about pedestrians b/c someone running a stop sign with my wife and son directly infront of them gives me anxiety. Sorry if I didn't give you the right props for slowing down, but like I said, they're stop signs, not 'slow down' signs.

I rode tonite and manged not to run over anyone. Cycling like yours makes the rest of us look bad.

You blew two red lights on your sweet fixie heading north on Clark: 1) by salmoning up a one way street and then cutting between on-coming cars (I then caught you despite waiting for the light myself); and 2) by taking the eastbound lane on Chicago and making a U-turn in front of an oncoming car to get through the light.

Idiots like you make us all look bad.

Bike edition: rolling down Illinois behind 2 slower bikers but I was in no hurry. Bus passes us then eases over first cyclist wobbles then stops 2nd cyclist signals he's going left around the bus, then stops! I locked it up to keep from hitting them both. Decided to then "take the lane" and get away from the whole mess. Learn to ride in the street before riding in the street!

I agree with you both. Stop at red lights, then proceed *if* there's no cross-traffic and there are no cars also waiting. Slow for stop signs, but stop if there are cars that should have the right-of-way. If someone pulls that "no, YOU go first" crap, I put my foot down and get off the saddle. This usually gives them the hint. I always give them a friendly wave as they go. :-)

"Bikes are traffic too!"


Melanie K said:

I have to agree with Gabe- I don't roll through when there are cars present, but I hate when I come to a full stop, then the guy in the car to the right "waves" me through. I know he/she is being all friendly and nice letting me go, but at that point when a person with the right of way sees me stop, I want them to do what they are supposed to do- which is go. 

Gabe said:
I Roll Stop signs unless I see traffic then i stop. I hate the wave. You get to the stop sign, stop, and the ass head in the car that has the right of way waves you on or sits there thinking you are gonna run the stop. Hate it. Red lights is a stop.

You there on the expensive white road bike: come at me on the sidewalk one more time when I'm walking my 70lb dog (who's wanting to do ungodly things to you) and I am going to regret having that muzzle on him.

One of the main reasons I have to muzzle my dog is that cyclists like you continue to ride on the sidewalks, refusing to yield to pedestrians, even to women with children (yes, I've witnessed this on Augusta Blvd). 

When I yelled at you to "Grow up and ride in the street!" I meant it. You're not under 12, and I don't care how far your destination is - feet on the sidewalk; wheels on the roads. 

To the pedestrian I avoided this morning, you are right I did not stop for that stop sign... guilty as charged.

I was watching you on your cell walk towards the intersection chatting away, saw that you were walking into the crosswalk with out looking, I slowed and was planning on taking your six. Seems that you realized, when you noticed the car bumper in the corner of your eye, that you were in the street and jumped back... into my path. Sure I know I should have stopped but when riding in the city cyclists make calculations on where traffic/pedestrians are going as we ride along the street and you totally behaved erratically, you zigged when I was expecting a zag. I slowed enough that we were in no peril of colliding, the look on your face said it all "wholly crap I just walked into an intersection and totally did not realize it" Both the cars and I were aware of your lack of attention, you were safe... from us.

FWIW, when you live in the northern part of a city in the northern part of the state in the northern part of the country calling someone "Bra" just sounds so silly especially when you are a rolly polly fella in a poorly fit suite with dark hair. You my friend are no Patrick Swazye. 


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