free conti rain jacket, straight from the hands of Don Walker at the NAHBS.

Two Free protect skate/snow helmets. Both Large. These are not the normal super stiff bike helmet variety, they are a little flexy. The Boeri is spoken for already

Broken Trainer. Alley find. If you want to fix it, go for it!

Bike hoist, new in box. I have four of these available. $10
XTR rd. Basically brand new, except for a slight modification. This was a dual pull model until i cut off the bottom pull lever. I saved you some grams! so top pull only. 34.9mm clamp. $10
michelin pro race tires, 700 x 23, pretty worn. $5/pair

rack, $5
plastic clips, free
Tektro single pivot brakes, $10/pair PENDING
Saddle, free
Dino horn, free PENDING
Exage levers, $5, one is in bad cosmetic shape but still perfectly functional PENDING
pedals with plastic clips, $10/pair SOLD
16 bianchi cog, $5

flickr set of sale items

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Ill buy the rack please !!! How do I retrieve it ? Marty 773-343-4500
where are you located, im interested in the trainer and i need a rain jacket!
I'm a little ashamed to say I need a helmet, so I would definitely like to snag those from you. I might be able to pick them up tonight depending on where you're located. Let me know. Thanks.
If cutifly doesn't take the rack, I'll grab it up. Just let me know.
sure, I'll let you know
ill for sure take the rain jacket. if fred doesnt take it i can pick it up wednesday


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