Thief on a wheel-stealing frenzy at Western/Grand Metra station

Hey, just a heads-up to anyone who may park at the Western/Grand Metra station: over the last week, I've seen at least 8 bikes there missing wheels. I've been parking there nearly every workday for over 4 years with no problem, so of course it took my back wheel being stolen yesterday afternoon to make me understand that I'm not immune. The thief strikes between 8 AM and 5 PM and targets unsecured wheels.

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Is he using tools to cut locks or just popping off quick-release parts?

Sorry to hear that. Just wondering - by unsecured, do you mean quick release, or not tied in with a cable/ulock?

Adam - I don't think he's cutting locks, but my wheel was not quick-release, so he at least has a wrench and is going there with the intent to steal.

Legacy - By unsecured, I mean not tied in with a cable/ulock. I'm guessing some stolen wheels were quick-release and others just had bolts, but I don't think any of them were locked. 


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