They smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place, the Facebook Resisters

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google chrome lets you open a window that wont track history or cookies after you close the window, so there's less private information being captured and distributed. keep in mind that if you search with your user profile that may still capture information and also the website you visit may also track some information on their servers.  Its a slightly higher level of privacy.

h' said:

I was more than happy to get behing Google+ as a potential Facebook killer when it started but I really think its window for ascension has closed and it's only a matter of time until the plug is pulled.

Some excellent points in this thread, thanks.  Need to go find out what an "incognito Chrome window" is . . .

My cat HAS his own Facebook page. LOL!

Brendan said:

Yeah, let me just fire up the ol' VPN so that I can get on facebook and share a random thought and cat picture with all my best "friends."  


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