They smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place, the Facebook Resisters

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"How come I didn't get invited to yr party, Bob?"

"I tried to message you on facebook but you weren't on there."

"But you have my phone number..."

I wonder if people were having similar conversations when telephones first came out?

That is a sloppy analogy. The internet in general can be compared (sort of) to the phone system, but not facebook.

Jared said:

I wonder if people were having similar conversations when telephones first came out?

If you start a facebook account with limited information from a dummy email and use an incognito google chrome window, you wont be sharing any information. Google+ has a lot of loopholes in their privacy policy..

Yeah, let me just fire up the ol' VPN so that I can get on facebook and share a random thought and cat picture with all my best "friends."  

Google+ ? What's that?

You can find me on Friendster.

James BlackHeron said:

James doesn't do facebook.

You'll find me on Google+


I remember Friendster. I remember a friend trying to get me on there. She moved to S. America.

I remember the first time I went to a bar: all of my old I hadn't seen in a while were there.

Personally, I don't think Facebook is for real. A glib hoax.

agreed. while google has done a great job of improving on and then completely dominating certain arenas (search engine, email, mapping, etc), they just really can't figure out social networking. while  each had their own identities, google+ is essentially their third attempt (in a mere two years!) to beat facebook at its own game. i think google+ will soon join google wave and google buzz.

also, i'd question how much those 40 million "users" are actually USING google+. anyone with a gmail account is a google+ user. i have a google+ account but i've literally never posted a thing, and only one of my friends took to it. compare that to hundreds of facebook friends..
h' said:

I was more than happy to get behing Google+ as a potential Facebook killer when it started but I really think its window for ascension has closed and it's only a matter of time until the plug is pulled.

Some excellent points in this thread, thanks.  Need to go find out what an "incognito Chrome window" is . . .

People are using G+ 

They are doing it in private circles.  Most people, like me, don't make many public posts.  This gives the nay-sayers to posit that the users aren't using it.

And don't forget that Google owns YouTube and if they want/need to, they will convert it to G+and every Youtuber will need to use G+ to continue to be able to post comments.  490 million users is nothing to scoff at.   Once they are in the system they will eventually bleed over onto the G+ general site.  Gmail users are already being assimilated in this same way. 

I don't trust Google much more than I  trust Facebook, which is not at all.

I do see the value of social networking though - which puts me in a tough spot. All the providers suck in one way or another. I hope that the decentralized distributed social networking thing eventually (mostly) replaces the proprietary corporate owned social networks.


google chrome lets you open a window that wont track history or cookies after you close the window, so there's less private information being captured and distributed. keep in mind that if you search with your user profile that may still capture information and also the website you visit may also track some information on their servers.  Its a slightly higher level of privacy.

h' said:

I was more than happy to get behing Google+ as a potential Facebook killer when it started but I really think its window for ascension has closed and it's only a matter of time until the plug is pulled.

Some excellent points in this thread, thanks.  Need to go find out what an "incognito Chrome window" is . . .


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