There are people out there who are fighting for us cyclists.

It's a small moral victory to hear that some people are fighting for us cyclists.

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Peter Wilborn is a good friend and an outstanding advocate for bicyclists based in Charleston, South Carolina.  We at Freeman Kevenides Law are very proud to be a part of the Bike Law Cycling Collective with him.  As I see it this is more than a small moral victory.  This shows drivers that if you kill a bicyclist not only will you face litigation, but you may face jail time.  It is encouraging to see this tragedy addressed with seriousness it deserves.

I agree with you it is great that law enforcement is finally taking incident like this seriously.  But to me, it's still a small moral victory unless a guilty verdict is deliver and upheld on appeals.  It hard for me to say, Justice is serve, without a conviction.


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