The Phase Wants to Feed You Real Food.


We are offering the resources to make your life better.

Because you deserve better.


Send an email to to bring these resources into your home And greet your freedom at your doorstep at dawn.


Learn to feed yourself.

Learn to change the system.

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I stand by my decision to question your intelligence as completely warranted based on your initial post, and most of the responses.  Seriously, you are just spouting rhetoric with no real substance behind it.  Give us the facts man.


I also stand by my decision to curse, anyone who cannot take a little profanity in their day can go shit in their hat.


Daniel Mirzakhani said:

notoriousDUG, your second post was very insulting and sarcastic and I don't appreciate being cursed at and having my intelligence questioned when it's not warranted. I am eager for criticism when it's constructive, not dismissive and mean spirited, which most of these posts have been. 

notoriousDUG said:

Please explain to me how my response is not calm and rational?  How is not discussing your project, it's goals or how it plans to achieve them helping you out here?  People have asked you direct questions to clarify your organization and  you are ignoring them, not a good way to gain converts...


Your right, this is a free and open message board which means that if you post stuff here you need to expect to get responses that may not be what you were looking for.  Instead of clarifying your statements and discussing it you are 'taking your toys and going home' because you don't like the reception you got, not very mature.


No one insulted you, we criticized you post and if you can't handle criticism you probably should not use the internet; same goes for cynicism and sarcasm...  You will have to forgive me for being cynical and sarcastic about stuff like this, I have seen more 'organizations' than I can count show up on 'the scene' with no clearly declared purpose, no plan and tons of disorganized rhetoric with big plans that never get off the ground and your post and tumbler look a lot like all of them did.  Maybe instead of getting all pissy over it you should really think about the fact that a group of people who would be likely to have an interest in your message are not getting what you want to convey and not down with your approach; the first step in making change is connecting with the people you want to help and it really does not look like you are doing a good job of that.


Oh, and by the way, if you want to get your message out there you should probably respond to e-mails at he address you posted by sending some actual info...


Just sayin'

Daniel Mirzakhani said:

Ha, you people are incredible! I'm still waiting for someone to approach this issue without being sarcastic, cynical, insulting and dickish. I won't engage in frivolous online mud-slinging. If anyone would like to have a calm, rational discussion about this ad, I will respond to your post. Thanks!


And this is a free and open message board that is clearly marked "(NOT BIKE RELATED)"

Does it even register with you that when you say things like that it demonstrates you have no clear purpose?  Really, a collective of random people with random skill to diverse to categorize willing to help people change for the better with  no details is nothing but a bunch of wingnuts, not a cause.

Daniel Mirzakhani said:

Thanks for sharing those links Duppie! They're great! If anyone has any others they'd like to share, by all means, let's have em!


And just to clairify, The Phase is a collective of many different people with many different areas of expertise. It would be impossible for me to convey all that information into a medium such as this, nor would it be fair to the rest of the collective. That is why we are encouraging people to email us, so we can have the chance to address people's individual needs, with input from the entire group. Thanks!

Duppie said:


Since Daniel appears to be more interested in redirecting questions to an email address rather than naming actual resources that can help us to make those changes, here are a few local resources that I am familiar with that working toward changing our food supply:

An organization that works with community partners to build healthy local food systems.

A google group of local chicken owners that is a very useful resource if you are interested in keeping chickens on your property.


I am not familiar with this one, but it looks promising:

John Edel, of Bubbly Dynamics fame is trying to build the first vertical farm in Chicago

Daniel Mirzakhani said:
Thank you for your questions Melanie. The Phase is offering alternatives to the grocery industrial complex, which will empower you to acquire food from natural, socially conscious sources. If you would like a detailed list of what resources we're offering, please send us an email at We promise to keep your information safe and not bombard you with unrelated material. However, I am not the same person who answers those emails, so I would recommend asking the same questions in your email. Thank you!

Melanie said:
Could you please explain what type of resources your organization offers?  I have visited the tumblr site and have read the different articles (I did like the one about "Bike Machines") but nothing I am reading really explains what "The Phase" is offering as far as resources go.  Your explanation above seems to convey that The Phase wants to alter the perception people have about food and healthy living, which is an admirable goal, but the references to "resources" seems to be lacking in description. I believe everyone would like to better their lives and live healthier, but could you please explain what resources The Phase offers, and how would joining this organization be of benefit? Thank you in advance.
Normally I would not make fun of a mans bike but I do find it amusing that his old bike is for sale because it was too small and this one is obviously to large.

Michael A said:
this pretty much explains it all
I still have no idea what is being advertised.  If you can't clearly explain it to a site that is generally very receptive to local/green/sustainable/etc. ideas, you are going to fail.  You can't spread your word if you don't have a message.
Thanks for the explanation.  You need some thicker skin though.  I added the smiley face to note that I was joking around in my last line about feeding myself. 

Daniel Mirzakhani said:

Well TRT, if anyone can ask me "What is The Phase?" without being cynical, sarcastic, insulting and/or a bit dickish, I would be happy to explain. However, that did not happen. But since you came the closest, I will answer it.


The Phase is a Chicago art collective aimed at helping and healing the perception of this city's understanding of what is "good for you," and what is "free." The first project we are focusing on is the perception Americans have about their food. Most people know that there is a serious problem in the relationship between Americans and their food, but we are helping people find the drive to dig just under the surface to realize that most of the food we consider "healthy," or "good" is still permeated with harmful chemicals, comes from animals that are also fed harmful chemicals and are criminally mistreated, is picked by what are esentially indentured servants, is grown from experimentally designed plants without allowing time to see what the side effects of such experimentation are, and comes from companies that are not concerned with any of the above, but only their profit margin.


If this is a concern to anybody else, I encourage you to follow the directions in the initial post, and see what resources The Phase has to offer you.


We thought The Chainlink would be a good place to advertise our project, because most of us are avid cyclists, and we thought this would be a welcoming, forward-thinking community that would take interest.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



You might find it more effective and productive to actually give people an idea of what The Phase is.  Dug and Doom are both right with going WTF?.  You give absolutely no inkling of what The Phase is about, so it comes off as total spam. 


You want to include the Chainlink community in whatever this is, then it would be a good idea to tell us what it is


Oh, and I've been able to feed myself since I was ummm...2?  I don't know.  Ask my parents. :)

Really? So you possess information that you believe is important, but is also so complex that it is impossible to convey through a website? What a pretentious hogwash. Why not tone down the cloying cutesyness of your site and replace it with actual information?


I'm sure that by now most of your potential audience has moved on. And you only have yourself and your persistent unwillingness to share actual information to blame.


One last question: You are not by any chance related to Travis Kluska?



Daniel Mirzakhani said:

And just to clairify, The Phase is a collective of many different people with many different areas of expertise. It would be impossible for me to convey all that information into a medium such as this, nor would it be fair to the rest of the collective. That is why we are encouraging people to email us, so we can have the chance to address people's individual needs, with input from the entire group. Thanks!


TRT, sorry, I meant no disrespect. It's a little hard to discern subtle comedy in the face of all this negative energy, though. I hope you'll be able to gain something from The Phase. Cheers!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Thanks for the explanation.  You need some thicker skin though.  I added the smiley face to note that I was joking around in my last line about feeding myself. 

Daniel Mirzakhani said:

Well TRT, if anyone can ask me "What is The Phase?" without being cynical, sarcastic, insulting and/or a bit dickish, I would be happy to explain. However, that did not happen. But since you came the closest, I will answer it.


The Phase is a Chicago art collective aimed at helping and healing the perception of this city's understanding of what is "good for you," and what is "free." The first project we are focusing on is the perception Americans have about their food. Most people know that there is a serious problem in the relationship between Americans and their food, but we are helping people find the drive to dig just under the surface to realize that most of the food we consider "healthy," or "good" is still permeated with harmful chemicals, comes from animals that are also fed harmful chemicals and are criminally mistreated, is picked by what are esentially indentured servants, is grown from experimentally designed plants without allowing time to see what the side effects of such experimentation are, and comes from companies that are not concerned with any of the above, but only their profit margin.


If this is a concern to anybody else, I encourage you to follow the directions in the initial post, and see what resources The Phase has to offer you.


We thought The Chainlink would be a good place to advertise our project, because most of us are avid cyclists, and we thought this would be a welcoming, forward-thinking community that would take interest.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:



You might find it more effective and productive to actually give people an idea of what The Phase is.  Dug and Doom are both right with going WTF?.  You give absolutely no inkling of what The Phase is about, so it comes off as total spam. 


You want to include the Chainlink community in whatever this is, then it would be a good idea to tell us what it is


Oh, and I've been able to feed myself since I was ummm...2?  I don't know.  Ask my parents. :)

The Phase has put together a distinct plan, and this is it. Advertise for interested parties, gather email addresses, and then proliferate information. We have a detailed, stylized plan and it would not do justice to the hard work of the collective to try and post it on a message board.


The collective is not a random assortment of people with random skills. We are diverse, yes, but each of us has something specifically invested in the collective, and each offer something unique to our common goal. Which is ultimately to help people help themselves. Our platform is broad, yes, but our plan is always evolving with input from the community.


Clearly some changes need to be made to the plan, but I can't help but think being a little more open-minded and patient could go a long way here. A civil discussion should be able to occur without name calling, profane language and general cynicsim. If you don't like what we're doing, you have the right to ignore us.


And to Notoriousdug and Michael A and any future posters: This is my first and last warning. If you persist into the realm of personally attacking me, instead of focusing on critiquing the platform and practices of the collective, I WILL report you to the webmaster for harassment.


Thanks everyone! 

so which one are you, Pinky or the Brain?
Would calling you a dimwitted dunce be a personal attack? Would hate to be reported to The Man...

But what is your common goal?  You have yet to clearly and concisely state what your common goal is!  It is unbelievable how full of yourself you sound when you make posts like the one above.  Are we all supposed to believe that you and your collective are so high minded that the constraints of the written language don't allow you to tell us? 


What sort of protected world do you live that this is not a civil discussion?  Seriously, if you think the stuff I have said is a personal attack that requires outside moderation you are to soft for real life; what do you do if some guy in the street calls you a jerk?  Go cry to a policeman?

Is the Phase going to become a new kind of religion? If not, maybe they should start in order to cut down on all the questioning and whatnot.



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