I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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Warming back up on Saturday.

Beautiful indeed, especially compared to yesterday. Yesterday: rain in the morning, strong headwinds in the afternoon. Today: Bright sunshine and not too much wind.


I rode in today without my bike lights on. That was the first time in a while (helped of course by the time change).

Am not heading out for another hour or so, but I say any day on a bike is a beautiful day!  (Yes, some days I have to repeat that to myself three or four times)

Today's ride to work was so nice! 

Can't wait for the weekend either! Going to pedal my legs off! 


And Its SNOWING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLUS...We have not had a frost yet (we may tonight)...So we have Indian Summer to look forward to....

The moon tonight was picture perfect.

Today wasn't one of them, but we'll hopefully get a few more nice ones.  Here's a couple pics from a ride on a nice day in June.

LOL...that's one cute face. Love the smile

mark stetson said:

Today wasn't one of them, but we'll hopefully get a few more nice ones.  Here's a couple pics from a ride on a nice day in June.

Beautiful morning for a pedal into work - had only 2 cars (and 1 ninja, sign ignoring biker, but I blew past him after the light changed) pass me on Elston between Pulaski and Milwaukee this morning.


LFP from Montrose to Loop was magnificent this morning!


yes. I got on the LFP at roosevelt (Shedd) and was the only cyclist I saw wearing long pants for maybe 3-4 miles !!!  '




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