Tomorrow we'll be raffling off The Ace of Clubs bike at The Manor & Meadow Tour.  There will a limited number of raffle tickets available at the ride, so buy early.  Help us out by bringing smaller bills (5's & 10's) as we will have limited funds to make change.  Raffle ticket sales are cash only.  Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday, June 10 in Oak Brook at The Mayslake Peabody Estate.

The Manor & Meadow Tour

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Many, many thanks to SlyRed, Rich, Alan, Owen, and RB for a great, great roll!!!!

Jolly Good Show!

Long live the Ace of Clubs and I hope that it is cherished as the prize it is by its lucky new owner.  What a beauty of a bike!   Congratulations!  And +1 for the awesome fund-raising for Working Bikes.

A great ride that went of very well.  I really enjoyed myself at the ride as did my wife.  I'm looking forward already to the next tweed ride with the BBC. 

A well organized event and an enjoyable route made for a great afternoon! Three cheers!!!!

What A great day for a great ride! Thanks to all who made it happen.

My son's and I had a blast!

Thanks for a great day. I hope to have more rides like this one in the future!

Great times- really enjoyed the people, the bikes, the Oakbrook area trails and the Tea! Thanks everyone.

Thanks to everyone for all the hard work putting it together. I can't believe I drank hot tea on a 90 degree day. This was Hilary's first group ride and she was quite impressed and loved everyone.

despite the tandem's problems, we had a great time yesterday.  The ride back home from the Manor was fantastic, and we made better time than if we had waited for the Metra, we got home by 8 pm including a stop for some frozen treats and changing clothes.  

Here's a map of our route back to the city.  It would make an excellent ride out to the Brookfield zoo for anyone that wanted to ride there.  Wellington, East, Riverside/Longcommon, and Forest/Washington/Harding where all great streets for cycling.  I'm so glad I discovered more roads good for cycling that connect suburbs :) 

Map of our ride home


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