Tomorrow we'll be raffling off The Ace of Clubs bike at The Manor & Meadow Tour.  There will a limited number of raffle tickets available at the ride, so buy early.  Help us out by bringing smaller bills (5's & 10's) as we will have limited funds to make change.  Raffle ticket sales are cash only.  Looking forward to seeing you all Sunday, June 10 in Oak Brook at The Mayslake Peabody Estate.

The Manor & Meadow Tour

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me want.... as art:))

Why not?  It's been an objet d'art in my living room for the last six months.  BTW, this bike, albeit a vintage frame is 99% new components and has not been ridden at all.  It was set up on a workstand and the first person to ride it will be its new owner.


Ace of Clubs Specifications

That's too bad Michael.  I don't think I'm ever going to get to see your Competition. :^(

Can't wait!

Run Books and Spoke Cards are all finished.  Need to bake a batch of scones this morning and get my kit together.


Hope to see you all at The Manor & Meadow Tour in Oak Brook.


The Manor & Meadow Tour

I wish my Competition was ready to ride, but by the time I'm done with it I doubt anyone would recognize it as a tweed bike any longer.   At least my '54 Sports is still pretty tweedy even if it has Sun CR18 rims.

Alloy rims are not only acceptable, but just a darned good idea.  Rich B will be there with his Sports with wheels by yours truly.  Vintage Raleigh hubs laced to CR18s.

I have to say that the alloy rims transformed the Sports into a totally different bike.  It accelerates and rides so much livelier, is much lighter to carry up and down the stairs, and actually STOPS -even in the rain.   All good things.   If one were to swap out the steel bars for alloy Northroads I would imagine the bike would be even more noticeably lighter.  

Such a bike would be a great everyday commuter.  If only mine were not such a valuable sentimental fixture having been in the family its entire existence since it first set foot wheels in America, I'd be less paranoid about riding it around and leaving it locked up for more than a short time.  

The rim swap was the best $100 I ever spent on that bike. 

I do lust after the Ace of Clubs though.  Crossing my fingers and hoping to add one more Raleigh to the stable of a nutter Raleighphile. 

Just put my batch of scones in the oven for tomorrow's afternoon tea.  Almost all my pre-M&M Tour tasks are finished.  I'll have to start packing the car at about 6:00 AM tomorrow. :^O

I wish I could make it but I will sadly be at work keeping everyone else on the road.

Will see you tomorrow.

Packing the support vehicles soon for the trek to The Manor.  See you there!


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