Let's try to resurrect this ride at the grassroots level with a simple, no-frills, just-show-up and ride throwback version for our Chicago cycling community. Let's see what the interest level is. Buckingham Fountain meet-up spot for 'The Late-Again Ride'. JUNE 29-30, 2019, 9pm Meet, 11pm Ride. (The original weekend date) Also, AUGUST 10-11, 2019, 9pm Meet, 11pm Ride. Hope to see you there !  . . .

If you're just now Googling The L.A.T.E. Ride Chicago, wondering  what happened to it because it usually occurs the 2nd Saturday in August. 8-11/12-18. I have some really bad news for you.  :-(


The L.A.T.E.(long after twilight ends) Ride seems to have come to its end.

This is most likely the eulogy for what was a huge part of the cycling community atmosphere with its very well attended and successful late night bike rides. It was part of the early evolving and unifying influence of the Chicago cycling community.
After more than 25 years it seems like The L.A.T.E. Ride and Friends of the Parks is giving up hope for any future rides.
Looking back at all the years of fond memories of the fun and joyful overnight bike rides this ride, IMO, will be missed.

From their Facebook page on March 2, 2018;
"Thank you all for your interest in LATE Ride. We are not planning to put on a LATE Ride in 2018, despite how much fun it is. Though ours was the first such event in Chicago and extremely popular in its early years, the rise of so many other cycling events over the years made it harder and harder to draw the same crowds and break even. While we appreciate its value for a fun time and we hope it exposed people to Chicago's parks and lakefront, it was no longer good for our bottom line. As we consider whether LATE Ride may make sense in the future, we encourage you to continue enjoying cycling in Chicago, our parks, and our lakefront."

It's been fun and worthwhile supporting our parks. . . thanks !

Yes, what were you thinking?!

Would you please reconsider your decision and bring the L.A.T.E. Ride back one year for our cycling community?!

August 11-12, 2018 is going to feel very empty without the ride. Do we have to stage our own 'random' ride that night?! Perhaps!

Wanting to keep this as a positive memory post.
Please visit the L.R./F.O.P. sites if you feel differently.
Thanks for reading my posts here on the Chainlink.
'Time Out Break Time'~
Power to all in our community!
See you all somewhere down the road!
Always, "keep on pedaling!" . . .
Tom A. K.


NOTICE: Repeating my intention of this thread as a notification to all of it's end and my sincere wish that it was a positive memory for most.
Again, I ask those of you negative types to join the trolls on the other sites. * * *

Crystal Lake Night Owl Bike Ride will return in 2019 !  Saturday, August 3, 2019, 10pm till 4am.

Official Message:


There were several issues with TLC sponsoring the event this year. We tried to get the City of Crystal Lake to take it over, but that didn't work.
We have some new volunteers to work on it for 2019, so plan to bring it back - better than ever!
We've had lots of folks like yourself who told us they will miss the event! So, stay tuned!!
Lisa Hadelein, Executive director of The Land Conservancy of McHenry County. 

CANCELLED for 2018?  Crystal Lake Night Owl Bike Ride also? (sigh !)


Crystal Lake Night Owl Bike Ride. August-1st Saturday every year. 10pm to ~3am. $20.


Comments from the article on the 2018 WHAM Ride. 

"I think it's a fun idea to start at midnight, you get a different crowd."

"It's a more fun ride than a serious bike ride."

"It's something we can get together and bond."

The 2018 WHAM Ride had around 800 riders last night.

"It's neat to see different groupings of people."

"Everyone's just happy to be out here."

The Valpo Night Ride, 8-25-18 10pm till 12:30pm

How about the Monday Night Ride Chicago (MNR) 11pm from Lincoln Park?

SIGH ! 2014 Photo: Late Ride passes St. Mary's hospital on Division at Oakley. 

Views: 6267

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That conclusion was never implied here.
The question would be an excellent discussion post.
Simply stated, IMO, the event, and all similar earlier cycling events were a vehicle of cohesiveness that evolved in strength and mass through time to it's current state.
Deterioration and disintegration can occur to any community if it is not unified and maintained.

Jennifer, same question . . . past discussion . . . once again.
r.o.i., break even, bottom line, +~.

I did this ride once, poorly marked turn got a bunch of us lost, finally got to Humboldt park, leaving there lost the route again, found my way to Foster, by then solo, to the Lake shore trail and back home.  Not a pleasant experience riding at night, lost and by myself.  Haven't done it again, can't say I am sorry to see it go.

M. Anger

I agree.  Unlike Critical Mass rides, half the riders would run the reds and half wouldn't, leading to chaos.  Also, sending a crowd of riders down the LFT in the dark was not a great idea, especially when encountering ninja riders coming the other way.


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