Here's an update on the cyclist thought to have been killed at Kimball and Lawrence on Tuesday evening.  Thanks to Rebecca at ATA for her work in follow up.

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I really wanted to stay out of this.

Clark, it's pathetic that you cited the guidelines of the site as if to say, "Hey, you guys are breaking the rules with how you're responding." And the whole 'scaring the newbies' thing just smacks of The Simpsons and Reverend Lovejoy's wife crying, "Oh, won't somebody pleeease think of the children?!"

That said, please inform us as to how one is supposed to respond to such sociopathic sentiment.

Clark said:
Dug, Lee...I appreciate your attempts to respond to my post. I like my posts to be interesting, and provoke discussion. But I don't like these threads to be repeatedly CLOSED when you guys become insulting. I know you guys are just windbags...but you're scaring the newbies to the forum, who are reluctant to relate their good ideas. So why don't you just allow everyone to express themselves, without censure or personal attacks?

Allow me to point out Chainlink forum rules:

...First and most important rule: IF you can’t be polite, don’t say it. We recognize that many topics will be controversial and the nature of a discussion or online posting is that people will bring to it their own opinions, ideas and background. The general idea is that you can disagree with someone without being disagreeable....
H3N3 said:
T The first chainlink babies are not going to be conceived because their parents bonded over gear ratios or which pedal system is best.

They're not? Well there goes my plans to impress with my knowledge of gear ratios, drivetrains and the pro/cons of eggbeater vs. look vs. time pedals. Maybe my knowledge of sram vs. shimano vs. campy road groups will save me in this regard though.

Clark, It is interesting that you would pontificate on the ills of sidewalk riding and mention you don't wear a helmet. "Some of us don't consider a helmet the last word in cycling safety. It is our personal choice not to wear one. Why the cycling evangelism on these issues?" Why the cycling evangelism on sidewalk riding from you?
I am also curious what you would have people do when you wipe out, or are hit by a car and land on your empty head. I say when, not if, because any real cyclist (you clearly are not), no matter how good they are will eventually hit their head. Should we "investigate further or simply walk on by", and leave you lying unconscious in the street?
And if you want to talk about fiscal responsibility, a 911 call costs a hell of a lot less than keeping a vegetable on life support after their insurance runs out because they didn't have a helmet on. Idiot.

Don't hide behind this 'provoking discussion' BS and try to pretend you are a valuable and contributing member of this community or crying that threads get closed because you piss people off so much they insult you. You come here and post contrary, argumentative and superior sounding posts that, at times, lack even the most basic human empathy; do you honestly think you are not going to be called or challenged on this stuff or should we all just accept your opinion because you are better then us?

Let me ask you this:

What do you do for the Chicago bicycle community other then 'provoke thought' on here?

Do you volunteer anywhere?
Do you help organize any of the events here?
Do you help at any of the events people put on?
Do you stop and help people when they have break downs?
Do you go to events, meet people and engage in the community as a social entity?
Do you participate in advocacy actions to try and promote cycling in Chicago?
Do you accept all the different types of cyclists into the community and try to recruit more continually?

What, exactly, Clark is it that you do that makes you an asset to this site and the cycling community because I have a lot of trouble believing that a man who would leave a injured cyclists in the street and pass on by is not going to put any real effort into any kind of community...


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