Now that spring is finally here, I have noticed that riding on Northbranch Trail after Dark there is so much activity going on. I must have counted a dozen raccoons, 2 of them screaming like bloody hell at each other. I also had several Rabbits dart in front of me on Fri. Last fall I saw a while fox in Wilmette, I also love coming across the deer on the tall bike, they do not scare easy. I think part is they have never seen anything like me coming up on them. Also there is a giant tree blocking the path between Golf Rd. and Emerson in Morton Grove. I wish I had a pic, but all my batteries were dead. Interesting thing is when it is late out and everything is buzzing, you become extra sensitive to your surroundings. I am almost positive, nature blocked the bike path to test me. See the tree is so big, it extends almost 40 feed beyond the path. Along that section of the wood on Friday, it was thick with brush and also pretty wet and muddy on the outer section of the fell. When I attempted to cross around it, I was immediately tangled up in the brush and my feet became ankle deep in mud. I was sure the forest was going to suck me up into the ground and would never be seen again. Because I don't ever panic or freak out, it did finally manage to make it around the blocked path with considerable effort. Some of the things I enjoy very much about Northbranch trail is the section near New Trier. About 100 yards of path is the focus of a very low point of energy. This is the only part of Northbranch stretching from Lake Forest to Chicago that thaws out from ice and snow last even though it does get direct sunlight all day. I think Indians are buried out there close by.... Another fine quality of NBT is the yellow line. Even with a very small light, I can see the Line and the Blackness of the leading edges. I also really think it is cool when mist hangs over path and the moonlight reflects from it.

Besides feeling the need to rant about the haunted woods, I would like to know if there is anyone on this site that rides down to the city and back on a regular basis. I know for sure I am the only person out at 2am and later once I pass Howard St, much less on a tall bike most of the time. I'd really like to know someone who comes down for mass or rides as a commuter. I mean there mny people who ride bikes in the city but not here. The hardcore racers I usually see up here are generally nice, but I am not part of that culture and I am to weird and skinny for spandex. I am also a city person living in the north shore and I am way to raunchy from that crowd. So, even if you have a wooden leg and I have to ride you on the handlebars it would be nice to ride with someone into Chicago (at least for Mass) My choice routes for the City now or Willow rd to green bay trail and follow the lake, or NBT to Devon and then down Elston into my world.

As for this posting and the subject matter, If you want to leave comments about the wood, forest preserve, camping on bikes, maybe crazy people you have met in the woods on bikes, bikes made of wood and would you ever ride a bike at night on the trail.

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Is this the tree you're talking about? A group of us rode to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. It was a fun ride!
Yup. That's that damn tree that made me turn around yesterday. I was roaming the trail yesterday in the late afternoon. I started at Devon and turned around at the giant toppled tree.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Yup. That's that damn tree that made me turn around yesterday. I was roaming the trail yesterday in the late afternoon. I started at Devon and turned around at the giant toppled tree.

Oh, we just trudged through the muck around the tree. It really wasn't that bad. Hopefully it will get cleared soon!
that is the tree. thank you for the photo !!!
Ya, I had about 20 miles under my wheels by then. I was good for turning around, and I wanted to make it home for Dirty Jobs.

jamimaria said:
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Yup. That's that damn tree that made me turn around yesterday. I was roaming the trail yesterday in the late afternoon. I started at Devon and turned around at the giant toppled tree.

Oh, we just trudged through the muck around the tree. It really wasn't that bad. Hopefully it will get cleared soon!
They're WALK signal buttons that are placed so high up on the lampposts that you need to reach up to hit them. They're probably about 7 feet off the ground.

Video_Drome said:
M.A.R.K. said:
Dont forget the tallbike only signal button.. I think its @ Golf Rd. and only when you are going North, I do not believe there is one coming south.

is there really a tall bike only signal button? I wanna go take a picture of this...

oh and to the OP, watch out for dem Cougars
Here's the pic again (note from last Friday)... taken by John Ruberry and posted on his site Marathon Pundit... maybe the two of you should go riding together as he knows the area pretty well!

From his post "You Shall Not Pass"..........

This crazy fawn walked right up to me while I was sitting under the tree of the North Branch Trail. Hell, it basically walked right up to me after a few kind words and took a sniff of me. I was a little nervous because I was not sure if it was just curious or if I was gonna get attacked, which would be very funny to say the least and I would have something to really brag about. Another interesting thing is that both geese and deer do not mind me when I am riding the tall bike, it's like they think I am a different species other than human (which may be true).

In late June I ran across a coyote on the trail, going North just after you go under the highway. It darted into the woods as soon as it saw me. I also can't count the number of times I've passed 10-15 deer in the mornings along there. They're generally so tame they don't even move from the side of the trail when you go by either.

I live in Albany Park and work in Northbrook, and use the North Branch or the Green Bay trails to get to work. I mix it up, but the North Branch is definitely my favorite route. I don't generally have time for mass, but I ride the North Branch home most days if you're looking for company. I ride a long haul trucker, not a racer either.
I see deer quite a lot and enjoy those experiences. There was one time I turned around though, since I found myself in a situation I wasn't sure how to handle. It was during calving (is that the word?) season and I came up on a fawn no more than a foot and a half tall with two deer right in the middle of the path. I always remember from those nature shows that you don't mess with even mild-mannered animals when their kids are involved, so I just turned around and headed back the other way. Was that the best course of action? Thoughts?
boxing gloves

Now that's what hunting should be. Fair fight with what you were born with, although I'd allow him a knife. At least it's hand-to-hand (oops.. hoof) and none of the that hiding from 100's of feet away stuff. If the dude wins, my hats off to him.

cutifly said:
boxing gloves


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