You may or may not be in CIGAR. However, we are going to need your help regardless.

If you have any neighborhood bars near you that are adorned with an Old Style sign having more prominence than the actual name of the bar.

Please let us know.

We need your input....

Are you down with Old Style and CIGAR?


Aaron Bussey
CIGAR Founder and COO

Views: 221

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Rose's on Lincoln
There are so many in Chicago alone - I will begin an exhaustive study of all available locations (in the interests of science).
John, since when did you become such the statistician?

John said:
There are so many in Chicago alone - I will begin an exhaustive study of all available locations (in the interests of science).
Since it involved exploring bars of course.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
John, since when did you become such the statistician?

John said:
There are so many in Chicago alone - I will begin an exhaustive study of all available locations (in the interests of science).


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