The Craig's List Ad section revisited...classic...clever.....outlandish....Elgin guy....tiring and so forth.

This one caught my eye, and yes Howard, I think this merits re-discussing.

First the link:

And since it will probably be flagged soon, here is the text:

RE: Re: Re: Re:::::: (Thunderdome)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-07, 10:48PM CST

There is ONLY ONE way to SETTLE THIS!

All "RE" posts can now sign up for CRAIGSLIST DEATH MATCH. Each week I will be hosting a fight to the death, no holds barred, grudge match--- pitching bitching opponents against each other to settle their disputes the good old fashioned way-in public-in person.

Bring your spell check, bring your sense of hipster entitlement, bring your tight jeans and disapproving stare, bring your seat posts as weapons! Most of all, BRING IT ON!!!

No longer do you have to fight for clever ironic virtual dominance! If you don't like his price-BASH HIM ONE! If you think he's selling imperfect wheelsets-STEAMROLL HIM! It's down and dirty weasel vs. wussy!

Craigslisters submit your favourite annoying Re-posting whiners by Thursday of each week, and on Friday night we can ride our bikes to a selected location to cheer on your selected cheerless rivals.

Two will enter, one will leave.

Location: Thunderdome
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1065285621

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Good point indeed.

One should not only include the link to the ad, but cut and paste the entire ad in their replies to this discussion as the best stuff gets flagged and removed so that by the time people check out the link, it is often gone. Pasting on the other hand, creates a certain quasi-lasting document of the fantastic, brilliant and absurd.

As for the email, it is posted if it is found in the body of the message, but the craig's list email forward message dies with the ad, so it won't do any good unless they add their own email. So as you can see above, there is the craig's list email thingie, but it won't forward after this ad is removed, which to my amazement hasn't happened yet.

Cheers - Lee
This one is really realy lite. It is also $495. Great hopes are eternal.

And here it is pasted below.

rare 10 speed - $495 (chitown)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-31, 1:43PM CDT

Im for sell my fovorite bike, blue USA Free Spirit. You willnot beleve how fast and really realy lite it is. Grate condition breaks and tires are newer.

Location: chitown
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
A Sears bike for 495!!! Damn where's my check book!!!
Whatta Maroon
This one exhibits when it would be a good time to see how your listing appears before publishing.

In order to see the humor here it is necessary for you to note how the price appears in the ad title before seeing pictures of the bikes. It's contextual, ya dig?

First the link:

And now the paste of the post and pics:

email this posting to a friend chicago craigslist > south chicagoland > bicycles

3 Kids Bikes - $1530 (Cresthill)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-27, 1:44PM CDT

1.) Bouquet Scooter / purple and white 2.) Misty Especially Fun Bike / purple and white 3.) free style type bike / gray bike
$15 each $30 all

Location: Cresthill
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1094857684


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Actually, these (wheels) would be good for a trailer building project!
I was going to say this seems INSANELY over-priced. Like if they said $40, my ears might perk up, but $465!~>!??? Then I noticed the new red handlebar tape they put on and I shut right the hell up. Not to mention this one being "MORE RARER THAN REGULAR CONTINENTAL". Man oh man!

Now I'm just heading straight to the ATM machine.

I am therefore quite certain it would no longer be available once you check out the link, so that is below, and the ad and photos below that.

Sorry suckers! She's mine!

SHWINN CONTINENTAL 2 - $465 (Wicker park)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-01, 8:03AM CDT


Location: Wicker park
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
I definitely mean that guy. And those guys too. It is crazy how much effort they put into violating the craig's list rules about posting (miscategorized and spam/overpost rules) and yes it is annoying. Elgin guy has been known to post his identical ad multiple times a day. In truth, the place for those ads to go is in skilled trade services offered. Of course he's there too. Repeatedly.
From Craig's List Terms of Use:

We accept commercial posts under "services offered."

You are welcome to advertise your services there. It's free.

Commercial posts submitted to categories outside of "services offered" are subject to removal.

I do indeed object to it. If you called the Tribune and asked to have your property for sale placed in the rental section because you thought it would get more eyeballs on it, they would properly tell you “No” because it doesn't belong there. It belongs in the section it belongs to. The Bike sale section is for bikes for sale, parts, etc.

So yes, I object to it. I find it obnoxious. I find it half-assed and time-wasting. Elgin guy and Naperville and Wicker Park guy and the others can go make a buck where they are allowed to post so that those that are looking for those services can find them readily. They certainly shouldn’t be offended that they are made fun of, picked on or abused when they walk out into the line of fire during target practice.

Once that's settled, then we can get back to what Craig's List is all about....

...making fun of people who overprice their cruddy bikes and the fine grammar used in their ads.
I don't make fun of them on CL. I make fun of them here. I don't abuse CL rules, but I also agree with you that it is highly ignorable, and that it is amongst one of many abuses when you get down to it.

And really M.A.R.K., it is only in the title of this post, and he has it coming to say the least. I hear you and your points, but if a forum post on a community post isn't a place to let it loose, then where is? I say here!

This post is almost 100% devoted to the amusing. I am not posting crazy responses to these people on CL as that is just more noise. I have equal intollerance for it. I do choose to ignore it, except here in our little chainlink universe and this forum thread where i feel the venting is appropriate and well-placed, as well as good-humored and harmless.

I would certainly also make fun of the person that buys this or this or this or this, but unfortunately, they only post the seller. That is what I am left to make fun of, and M.A.R.K......I'm gonna do it for sure!
HA! Too funny!
M.A.R.K. said:
No way bro, that skull bike rocks! Not 400 rocks, but id hit it given the chance. That guy in Gilberts has had some pretty nice bikes in the past, but most are way way way to expensive to even consider for what they are. He did have a nice price on a Huffy side by side bike that I totally would have bought if I had the money at the time. I think he only wanted 150 for it.
Hi, so I was just trolling around here and read the above posting... and suddenly realized -Hey, I wrote that. LOL. (btw, "favourite" is a perfectly good English spelling, regardless of the red dotted lines)
It is a brilliant posting. Great job!


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