I just saw this on the Chicagoist: 


"For the past two summers, Gabriel Levinson has been riding his custom-built tricycle/bookmobile around Chicago parks, where he gives free books to anyone who wants them. It’s important that the books are accessible to everyone, so you’ll only find the Book Bike in public parks and free events. “’Teach a man to fish' is such a tired maxim. Why can't the common phrase be 'teach a person to read'?" he said in an interview for Shareable last month. He wants to help give everyone the opportunity not only to read, but also to build their own book collections.


Levinson has given away 3,000 books thus far, and now, he’s stepping it up a notch. He's promoting a particular sort of reading material this year, and for the first time, he’s accepting monetary donations instead of books. The Book Bike will only be stocked with magazines, books, and zines purchased from independent bookstores and local presses this summer. Levinson is asking for $1,000 by June 1 to make it happen."


His website is at:





Has anyone seen the book bike? 

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This is fantastic. I have tons of books to donate, but since he is in need of money more than books, I will do what I can.
He may also take donations of books. I know that I just donated a little bit. You should contact him and see if he'll take them. According to the paypal link he is located in the Lincoln Square area.
I think I'll hit up his website with a donate once my paycheck clears at the end of the week.
Too snazzy! Thanks for posting - will be sure to check out the link.


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