Tech help? Trying to get a webcam accessible from anywhere on the web

Trying to build myself some home security chops.

As a first step I bought one of these cheapo Foscam knock-off IP cameras:

And with a bit of a learning curve got it set up and accessible from any browser on my home network.

Kind of stuck as to the next step . . . received overwhelming advice on a Mac forum that left me not knowing what to do next. It seems I need a static IP? And my only option is to use a paid service? Someone recommended I sign up with wich I did last night, but no idea what to do next.  Looking for some handholding.

I look forward to being able to help others through this process :-)

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If you need a static IP Dyn is free and easy.  I've been using it for years to  host Diablo2 network games.  

Oh, maybe it USED to be free and I'm grandfathered?  I've been using it for years and they have never asked for money.   My luck I'll be getting an invoice one of these days.

what isp do you use ?

Old enough to know better.  Not old enough to be my own granpaw. 

What kind of router do you have ? model ?

h' said:


Albert said:

what isp do you use ? is same as

login to or

My Services > Add Host Service

pick your host, select , x Host with IP address

In your router section for dyndns pick enter usrname passowrd and hostname and hit apply

hostname will be

h' said:

ASUS RT-N12.  It has some services sort of pre-populated into a pulldown:

Do I have to use these? I was close to pushing the button on dyndns service but the host addy ended in something other than .org so I balked.

The Virtual Server  option is under Advance setting - WAN

Service name: whatever
Port Range: 8080 should work fine
IP address: the ip of the webcam (most likely starts with 192.168..... or 10.0......)

Local Port: The port of the webcam 

Protocol: TCP

Protocol No: Leave empty

hit add and apply

you should be able to access it with

h' said:

Okey Dokey, done with all that. Thank you kindly for your menschlichkeit.

You've got that rare combo of tech aptitude and communication skills. If you don't make a lot of money, you should. Unless you don't want to.

Now-- don't I need to do something like open a port, tell something which IP the camera is at, etc.?

Would be cool if I could test this from work tomorrow.

How much did it cost to buy the account at Dyn?  

Sorry I couldn't help but I went to bed early so I could get up EARLY for CX practice.  It didn't seem to help as I was tired as crap.

What cameras did you get and are you happy with them so far?  I'd love to put some into my own garage so I would be less scared of storing nicer stuff out there. 

You don't need a new host name with the dns service.   

Just go to the Virtual Server section on *your* router and do something similar to what you did with the first.

Service name: whatever
Port Range: 8081  (anything other than 8080, which you used last time)
IP address: the ip of the second webcam (most likely starts with 192.168..... or 10.0......)

Local Port: The port of the second webcam  (it's OK if this is identical to the first webcam)

Protocol: TCP

Protocol No: Leave empty


PS.  I'm kind of assuming that these are standalone webcams with their own IP addresses.  If they're attached to single computer, you'll have to use different ports.


h' said:

Paging Albert!!! Or anyone who can help.

I have a second camera I would like to make accessible via the web.... no clue how to proceed. Do I assign it a different port? Do I need a new host name with the dns service or can I use the same one?


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