Hello Chainlinkers! 

I am a graduate student at DePaul University and am conducting my thesis research on the impact of bicyclists on their local economy.  

Part of my research consists of a survey that is targeted towards cyclists to identify their behaviors, preferences, and values. I would greatly appreciate it if you took a couple minutes to complete it. Also feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.  

Survey link: http://depaul.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9H6DF3wegVVchwx  

Thank you so much!



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Thanks, Michelle!

Michelle Milham said:



Good luck with your research.

Done (and fellow DPU grad student!)
Done. Good survey.


Done.  And of all the surveys we have been asked to complete, this is the most well done.

Done. And to echo what others have said - this is a great survey. It's nice to see something that doesn't retread the same old stuff.



Wow, thanks everyone!  I have a great response rate so far, much of which is owed to you fine folks. :)


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