Hey Chainlink-ers!

I'm working with a group of phenomenal women across the country to organize the first-ever National Women's Bicycling Summit on September 13 in Long Beach, CA.

As many of you know, women are underrepresented in American bicycling, accounting for just 24 percent of U.S. bike trips in 2009. Addressing the gender gap is a complex challenge but women (and men!) around the country are coming up with innovative ways to empower and engage their peers. The Summit will provide a unique opportunity for everyday bicyclists and bicycle professionals to network, share best practices and develop action steps to get more women out riding.


We want to see plenty of folks from the Windy City in Long Beach this September, but you can help even if you can't make it to the event.

We want to ensure that women from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to share their experiences and bring their unique insight to this important discussion. By making a small contribution to the Summit, you'll help us provide scholarships and travel stipends to women in need of financial assistance. Our keynote speaker (from Chicago!) will be Leah Missbach Day, co-founder of World Bicycle Relief, and we've pledged to provide at least 5 bicycles ($700+ contribution) to women and girls who need them worldwide -- so a portion of your donation will also benefit women internationally!

And the event itself is just the spark. Your donation will help us share ideas and information through a new website and free webinars. In each of the six sessions at the Summit -- on topics like media, diversity and youth engagement -- we'll identify specific next steps that will shape and propel our continued efforts on women's cycling here at the League of American Bicyclists. 

If you're a business owner and want to support this exciting event on a larger scale, we would welcome your sponsorship!

Thanks in advance and PLEASE contact me with any ideas, questions, etc! carolyn@bikeleague.org

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Who wants to go to Cali?????

Congrats, Carolyn!  This is a really fascinating initiative.  If you set up a live video feed at the summit we can host a viewing party out here for the masses who can't make it to Cal.

It would be interesting to hear exactly why this is a problem.  As cyclists we know about the benefits of the riding lifestyle, but what exactly is the crisis over participation and who would benefit from altering the trend?  Best of luck, looking forward to hearing more :) 

please don't forget family cycling as transportation!  J.

They are doing a panel on families who cycle and I may have sent her your blog and suggested you as a panelist :))

Allen Wrench said:

please don't forget family cycling as transportation!  J.

I've been thinking of attending the summit! Haven't committed yet, but will be on the west coast already for Interbike. Are you going?

Julie Hochstadter said:

Who wants to go to Cali?????

I'm hoping

Maria Boustead said:

I've been thinking of attending the summit! Haven't committed yet, but will be on the west coast already for Interbike. Are you going?

Julie Hochstadter said:

Who wants to go to Cali?????

aw Julie! I am planning on trying to get there too. There is a sale on Southwest til Friday for tickets going that way.


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