Crash Victim Support Group:
For bicyclists and pedestrians suffering from traffic crashes

Brought to you by the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation (Active Transportation Alliance).

Visit for more information

Free and open to the public
or call Falon at ActiveTrans (formerally CBF) :312 427 3325 ext. 289

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If you know any physical therapists, occupational therapists or anyone in the mental health industry in Chicago and the burbs please let them know about this new support group. They probably know people who need support from other crash victims but don't know where to find them.
Julie, thanks for posting this!

I've received three calls about the group just this week. The word is definitely spreading to people who are interested. I do not facilitate the support group meetings (that's handled by a licensed psychologist), but I do coordinate getting people together for the meetings.
I also wanted to let people know that I handle crash calls, so you can call me for advice if you get in a crash and aren't sure what to do. I get calls from people who have been doored, had minor crashes, road rage incidents, major injury crashes, and more. I'm here to help, so don't hesitate to call me. 312 427 3325 ext.289


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