Is anyone doing anything Sunday evening ?

(Or are we going to protest and pretend it's just another Sunday..)

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I have no plans as of yet. One friend is having a party but not sure I am going. I cannot wait to see the commercials though!!
Alright who ever wants to come on eover - give me a call for directions.... 312.307.9481

you will have a boxer and terrier to keep you entertained during the bad commercials....

I dont even know when the game starts...oh and bring beer!
I'll be at work.
>My 42" and couch are calling your names

Beer and pretzels on the way. Though I do hope that for everyone's sake that your referring to the size of your television.
hahaha -
omg are those really your dogs????? i can't even process that photo.
Of course they are - where do you think I got my drinking habit from - look at them. They are both smashed...damn drunks...
Aaron, Can I bring my cats?
Sure - but I dont have a litter box...

Julie Hochstadter said:
Aaron, Can I bring my cats?
ok I am going to go buy some beers....after the game who ever wants to - we can go for a ride along the lake front trail - i am one block from it....any preferences for beer? You got like 15 min....
i think the party is just kicking off in new orleans. this makes a lot of folks and friends in new orleans happy and i'm in on anything that makes that happens.


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