Is anyone doing anything Sunday evening ?

(Or are we going to protest and pretend it's just another Sunday..)

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i plan on not watching... maybe go for a ride while everyone's home in front of the tube and before too many drunks are out.
My 42" and couch are calling your names....oh and asking you to bring over beers...
I plan on being nowhere near a TV on Sunday. Now, if Green Bay were playing........................................
i got beers. but i'm only bringing them if you are rooting for the right team.

Aaron Bussey said:
My 42" and couch are calling your names....oh and asking you to bring over beers...
My inventory of beer hears your call and accepts your offer..what time?

Aaron Bussey said:
My 42" and couch are calling your names....oh and asking you to bring over beers...
Watching something bike-related, perhaps finishing a few CGOAB journals that I'm reading? I still need to finish Off-Road To Athens.

Something is wrong when people watch a TV program for the commercials. Seems like the game doesn't really matter.
I will bring beers IF I can watch the commercials and Half time show. It it the best part. Will you even let me in the door?

Aaron Bussey said:
My 42" and couch are calling your names....oh and asking you to bring over beers...
Aaron Bussey said:
My 42" and couch are calling your names

I could very well be up for this Aaron. But if it gets to be too many people...we cannot have it in
Humboldt Park this time - I only have two (very uncomfortable) love seats ! (and the TeeVee is
not SuperBowl worthy...LOL)

Does anyone have any good suggestions for bars for Super Bowl?
My euro friend want to see first hand what super bowl here is like.

Looking for bar with multiple huge screen TVs, cheap drinks, and NO drink/food packages requirements.
We have no team alliance.
There is a "Colts" bar, Mullen's on Clark. Watching the game surrounded by Colts fans would be fun but get to the bar early, or very late.

Amy Y said:
Does anyone have any good suggestions for bars for Super Bowl?
My euro friend want to see first hand what super bowl here is like.

State on Webster 1.5 west of Halsted. I don't know that they could possibly fit another TV inside that place...

Not sure on the other requirements though.

Amy Y said:
Does anyone have any good suggestions for bars for Super Bowl?
My euro friend want to see first hand what super bowl here is like.

Looking for bar with multiple huge screen TVs, cheap drinks, and NO drink/food packages requirements.
We have no team alliance.


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