Hey Chainlinkers!

We are planning ahead for the year and want to reach out to you for suggestions on bars for our monthly bar night.

We want to hear what are your favorite bars in your 'hood that can accommodate up to 30 people. They don't have to have food, but must allow us to order for delivery if they don't.

The goal is to have all neighborhoods covered so please represent where you live!

Stay tuned and we'll be seeing you at your local bar soon!

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Hee hee

Marty A. said:
I am the Mayor of Jimmy's on FourSquare

S said:
Oh yes,  Blind Robin on western is another good place.  On the south side, I second the suggestion of Maria's although it might be a bit small for 30 people.  On the other hand, they have great drinks at affordable prices and the place itself is rather interesting.  Jimmy's in Hyde Park is another good bar, they have 3 rooms so bar night could probably take one of them over.


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