I am planning on getting a touring bike or a bike that can hold racks. I have always wanted a Long Haul Trucker, but would prefer to not have the same bike as half the city. Suggestions? I ride a 54 if anyone has one they are looking to get rid of

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And this is one damn popular thread.  It's has over 1000 hits in one day (27 hours to be exact).  

Just in case you have not heard, I found a bike!! And I am in love!

 This thread magically appeared http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/1990-trek-520-touring-bike...

Then after I got settled and happy with my bike I get a phone call telling me I WON This bike.....



Guess we can say that my bike problem is fixed! Overly fixed!

Cool, now you have enough funds to buy a brand new Surly LHT!

Kidding, of course.. I know, bad joke :p

You are a fortunate person indeed to have won that bike.   Congratulations! 


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