I am planning on getting a touring bike or a bike that can hold racks. I have always wanted a Long Haul Trucker, but would prefer to not have the same bike as half the city. Suggestions? I ride a 54 if anyone has one they are looking to get rid of

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I ride a Cross Check that I thought was plenty fast (compared to my commuter Raleigh cruisers) until I got left in the dust several times on Saturday's 3 Floyds ride. I still think it's a great light touring bike though if you plan to go at your own pace.

Small, but very nice upgrades on the Trucker this year. I tour on a Cross Check because it's a more manuverable bike in the city with it's shorter wheel base.

My co-worker just got the new Cross Check which is available in a cool-looking robin egg's blue!  Nice bike!  And Ash, I'd like to see pictures of this infamous VO bike!

That biting the dust had nothing to do with the cross check, believe me. I've done a brew pub ride on my LHT with envane and bit the dust a few times. That guy is faaaaast...

Ash L. said:

I ride a Cross Check that I thought was plenty fast (compared to my commuter Raleigh cruisers) until I got left in the dust several times on Saturday's 3 Floyds ride. I still think it's a great light touring bike though if you plan to go at your own pace.

This is the only photo I've got of the VO. We added a low profile Axiom rear rack. 


Ah man...loving it. 

Rico is a lucky guy...for having that bike. lol.

And yes, half the world owns a LHT for the reasons mentioned. I've seen Tony's and Ilter has one, too. I think there were a few LHTs on the Madison ride. 

The only reason I'd want a touring frame over my current ride is for a slightly longer wheelbase (fender/chainstay clearance) and ability to put a tire wider than 23C on. 

That bike is Frank Sinatra classy.

Great suggestions so far. I'll add the Bruce Gordon BLT, Soma Saga, Rivendell Sam Hillborn, Jamis Auroa Elite, Gunnar Grand Tour.

Vintage: Trek 720 and 520, Miyata 1000, Schwinn Voyager SP

Also: http://vanillabicycles.com/frames/randonee/2/. Only a three year wait if you want Sacha White to craft it for you personally.

I commute on a Bianchi Zurigo cross bike. Rode to Starved Rock last year.

I noticed those Panasonics in Yellow Jersey too. They looked great. But they seem to come only in smaller sizes & longer people end up using tall stems & seat posts. Frame splits, it might be a travel version and maybe that is why they keep the frame small.

Andy Moss said:

For something a bit unique, two years ago I picked up a new Panasonic OSD7 touring frame from Yellow Jersey in Madison WI.


Haha, I was at the very back most of the time (except for when "beer power" kicked in :) ).  I blame our stiff Surly frames :p

John W. said:

Hey now, you were left by a Jamis Beatnik singlespeed too...when I sped up there to tell them to slow down.  

Ash L. said:

I ride a Cross Check that I thought was plenty fast (compared to my commuter Raleigh cruisers) until I got left in the dust several times on Saturday's 3 Floyds ride. I still think it's a great light touring bike though if you plan to go at your own pace.


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