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Fergit 'dem sassy lil' toys and git yerself a real helmut.

Such as one that celebrates 'merica

Or celebrates your heritage...

Or sez ' stay away'

Bern helmets are very very comfortable and look decent as well
Guess it depends on one's definition of "dork." i'd feel kinda dorkish in one of those hats...
I wonder how many riders in the peloton of a major tour are thinking to themselves, "Jeeze, I feel like such a dork. If only I had one of those tweed helmets..."
Probably the least dorky is Yakkay. They're like lightweight BMX helmets with attachment points for fabric coverings, so they end up looking a bit more like jockey helmets than bike helmets. They still look pretty ridiculous, though, and I'm not sure where you can buy them.

I use a Bell Citi. It looks absurd but came out as the safest helmet in a Consumer Reports test and it's pretty cheap.
I just got our Bern helmets in the mail in time for Bike the Drive, I love mine and will likely be wearing it even when not mandated. I do however think that my fiance' would have been interested in the ones posted...Now I need to keep her from finding out about them.
A pickelhaube would definitely inspire most drivers to make a very wide circle around you. Most helmets are dorky looking. I think all that can be done is try to mitigate it. I just made a fabric cover for my Bell summer helmet to match a business suit for the (hopefully soon) day I return to work. That is probably dorkier than usual - the opposite of the effect I wanted.
Was lucky enough to find a WWII glow-in-the-dark Civil Defense helmet and matching goggles which are pretty distinctive by itself (will post up a pic of it later on). Been entertaining thoughts of applying d3o technology and inserting STF (shear thickening fluid) aka non-Newtonian materials into the shell of the helmet for added protection.

May just pick up a beanie from someone who licenses d3o's padding like Ignite Beanies and see how they pan out.

Talk about incognito safety gear.
d30 is pretty amazing. I think this has applications during protests and other events where the state uses excessive force.

alan sidlo said:
Was lucky enough to find a WWII glow-in-the-dark Civil Defense helmet and matching goggles which are pretty distinctive by itself (will post up a pic of it later on). Been entertaining thoughts of applying d3o technology and inserting STF (shear thickening fluid) aka non-Newtonian materials into the shell of the helmet for added protection.

May just pick up a beanie from someone who licenses d3o's padding like Ignite Beanies and see how they pan out.

Talk about incognito safety gear.
I have been considering cutting my hair short since riding. Looking like a dork does not bother me as much as the mess they make of my locks. A nice neat bob might do the trick.

As promised here's a picture of my glow-in-the-dork hell met... leather lined heavy metal skid lid. Not too much different from the ones posted above by the notoriousDUG
Well, not exactly... that's a picture of me wearing it. Don't know if it's all the radiation but every time I put it on, it's like I'm not even there anymore!

heheheh... tis a pretty nice Maxwell St. find, eh?


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