Chicagoans spend 71 hours a year stuck in traffic. Source: C-MAP Study.
Chicago area traffic is now at a choking point, and it's costing drivers time and money.
Each driver pays what amounts to a congestion tax of $3,000/year due to sitting in traffic.

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Small wonder they're so ornery when I pedal past them.

Can you really call it lost time if you managed to catch up on your Facebook reading during it?

forgive my schadenfreude

I'll agree that the 71 hour stat seems low. I'm sure it's an averaged reading. Many people who commute by car say they know that it's a time wasting ordeal but is what they choose/have to do. Some days more time is wasted than others. Some people feel like the time wasted is equivalent to a two and a half week vacation.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

That honestly seems low. Figuring a normal full time job (5 days/week, 50 weeks/year), that works out to 17 min per workday. I'd be curious to see how the study determined how much of a commute was wasted time, since must people have a much longer than 17 min roundtrip commute.

It is not time commuting. CMAP's Travel Model figures out the time it takes to get to a destination with and without congestion and saves the difference as "time wasted in traffic." It is similar to how Google Maps says that your car trip will take 1 hour but in current traffic it will take 1 hr 10 min, you wasted 10 minutes in traffic. Now average that traffic time over the whole metro area. 

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

That honestly seems low. Figuring a normal full time job (5 days/week, 50 weeks/year), that works out to 17 min per workday. I'd be curious to see how the study determined how much of a commute was wasted time, since must people have a much longer than 17 min roundtrip commute.

Facebook?!? Oh you were being facetious, I get it....

David Altenburg said:

Can you really call it lost time if you managed to catch up on your Facebook reading during it?

Actually you are not stuck in traffic, you are traffic!

last night my friend and i worked out at the Y. we left around the same time, maybe i got a bit of head start, and planned to meet up at a bar near my place to watch Bulls game. He drove and i biked. we got back to area at the same time. am new to biking and still amazed how much better it is than sitting in a car or on a bus. the only thing i miss about a car is the radio.

Alisa, radio/sound system for a bicycle.

Alisa Hauser said:
am new to biking and still amazed how much better it is than sitting in a car or on a bus. the only thing i miss about a car is the radio.

Tom, looks really cool!  Been using a friend's spare bike for past few months.  If i am still biking a long time from now (and more confidant on road) will def be ready for a radio then.


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