My girlfriend had her bike stolen from a friends garage over the weekend and she didn't have it locked to anything or even the frame to the wheel, we were rushing and just kind of threw it in there thinking it would be fine in a garage! Well we found that it is quite common that thieves are targeting Garages, apparently they have been found walking down allys with an array of garage door openers clicking away until one opens! So just to pass on some advice, please lock your bike to something even if it is in a garage. Also go and write down your serial number right now.
Oh and if anybody comes across this Bright yellow bike, if you can let me know :)
Thanks and keep your bike safe

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this really sucks. I hate bike thieves.
My bikes are NEVER in any garage.
I keep two in my bedroom...and one on the stand in the dining room (as a clothes rack),
and a shepard mix attack dog.

Hope it turns up somewhere...

I read through the stolen bike site and couldn't believe how many were stolen out of garages. I guess growing up in the suburbs I was kinda sheltered. Though it is a learning experience, now I know not to lock anything up with a cable.

I'm surprised they don't make digital rotating code openers for garages like they do for cars. But maybe they do and they are worthless.

I used to own part of a video surveillance software company. One of the other owners put some cameras up in his apartment so when he was robbed it was recorded and the police could catch the guy. They said he had a huge ring of master keys to many downtown / north riverside highrises, and that these kids pay off guards to make key copies. Teaches you nothing is truly safe.



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