The Bicycle

Make: Giant

Model: Transend EX 2008

Color: Black

Serial # C18F4439

Distinguishing characteristics: Bumper sticker on black rear rack reads "I brew the beer I drink."  Bell on front handle bars from New Belgium Brewery.  Black, full-coverage fenders on front and rear.  Silver, plastic chain guard is missing from original model, but metal fixture that would attach it to the chainstay remains.


My Contact Information

Name: Drew Williams-Clark

Cell phone: 312.450.4119

Work phone: 312.386.8770


The Incident

I met a friend downtown yesterday morning and rode with him to the Illini Center (200 S. Wacker Dr.).  We both parked on the bicycle rack that is to the south of the building on the sidewalk leading to the river.  We parked around 8:40am (give or take 10 minutes).  We always park there when it rains, because the building provides coverage.  I locked my bicycle with a combination U-lock through the front wheel, frame and rack.  In addition, I used a 15mm Abus cable lock through the rear wheel and frame.  When I returned to the same rack at approximately 3:45 pm (give or take 10 minutes), I found the bike and locks gone.


I have filed a police report.  The report number is HT517048.

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I just requested you as a friend.  Can you send me a private message with any details as to why you think the bike might show up at SOR?

Wave Wednesday said:

Based on the details of the theft I think this one has some chance of turning up at Swap-O-Rama, 41st and Ashland.

Open Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.

I've heard Thursday described as "Bike Day" by one of the regular vendors, but there has not been consistent evidence that it's a better day  to go than Saturday or Sunday.

Was it here?

The more of these I read, The more I think there is no safe place in the city.

Funny y'all should ask.  YES that's exactly where it was stolen from and YES I do have video footage.  I have a video clip of the act taking place.  The director of security at the building EMAILED me a video clip. His name is Daniel Schuetz and he's an avid cyclist.  I wasn't sure if I should upload the clip or not.

It happened at 1:05 pm on the 27th (yesterday) and took less than 30 seconds.  The thief was wearing a grey/cream-and-red hooded sweatshirt with a dark messenger bag.  

I don't see how it could hurt to post it and then embed it here...maybe someone will see him...maybe someone has seen him before.
Was it a grinder?

I was going by the "crime scene" today (12:30pm), so I stopped by and took a look. There was a Security Guard walking around the parameter when I got there, so I talked to him about bikes getting stolen from those racks. He said that he had just got back from vacation and was unaware of any bikes stolen from those exact racks. I asked if it was common and he said it wasn't, but I wonder how many people actually make a report or tell officials.

The thief has to know the area, because even though I spotted the camera right away, it looks like a security post within view of that rack.

Man, U lock and cable, right in front of a security cam? Clearly the theives have no fear. Why should they? There is almost no enforcement. Which reminds me... Saw a nice bike that got the rear wheel lifted right at Clark and Jackson yesterday. Right next to mine... :(
Sorry that happened to you, DRU.  I just have to say I can sympathize.  I had a bike stolen in broad daylight from my office building downtown, Madison and Wells.  It was a real bummer, as I have been biking for 15 years and this was only my second new bike and the first time I had even spent more than like 300 bucks on a bike.  It was a road bike - not expensive as far as road bikes go (the second cheapest new one in the brand that I bought), but pricey for cheapskate me.  I only had it 6 weeks and it was locked up on a rack supplied by my building, with camaras surrounding it.  I couldn't believe the amount of "blame the victim" flack I got from so many people (including building mgmt) - like "what were you thinking" and, my favorite..."were you sure that you locked it?"  Well hell yeah I locked it properly and I had additional wheel locks, too.  I can't believe how many people tried to tell me that I didn't lock it.  Luckily my homeowners insurance covered it and I got a new bike within a week.  But now I only ride it or keep it locked up in my building at home with $three sets of locks on it, and I ride an old mountainbike or 80s ten speed anytime I want to communute, do errands, or stop somewhere that requires locking up a bike. I feel like ya can't have a "nice" bike (basically a bike worth more than 100 bucks) locked up in the city anywhere.  Your video just goes to show that people will take anything they can get their hands on, and pretty easily, too.  

I think I'm pissed because this is a high visibility area and it makes me think that...

if this guy can do it here, I can not park my bike anywhere in the city planet.

A  couple seconds later the security guard? walks around the corner.



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