The Chainlink

A Bullet Larry vs. Harry was stolen from Chicago Cargo while it was out on a test ride in the Wicker Park area.  Keep an eye out and buddy lock it or contact me, Comrade Cycles, West Town Bikes or one of the many people you know.

Frame is bare aluminum and it's pretty hard to miss.  If you see somebody riding it feel free to throat punch them for me or contact me and I'll take care of the throat punching.

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Yes! Lock your bike.

I almost had a heart attack on the day I realized my bike was sitting on my porch while I was in my front room working. Mike bike is probably not something anyone wants, but it was out there unlocked for at least an hour or more. It is VERY easy to get distracted even when you think that you'll come right back out and lock it. 

I remember the Surly owner here who left her rig unlocked and got a call from work and had to take the call while her bike was sitting unlocked (leaning against a van, I think.)  Then, suddenly, it was missing because the call led to another distraction.  That sucks. 

Oh, yeah. My friend got her touring bike stolen in France while stopping at a little shop to grab a snack. Literally inside for just a few seconds. That changed her plans for the next 3 weeks. Also, she no longer had any clothes except the ones she was wearing. Luckily her passport and credit card was on her person in the wallet thingie she carried into the store. 

So, the test rider was "jacked" while test driving it? or was a different bike handed off before the test rider just took off with the cargo bike (kind of like a trade)?

Either way, DUG,  I will throat punch anyone that resembles the guy in the picture......LOL ! Just Kidding ! ...I meant, anyone riding a bike like the one in the picture. (in a John Lovitz voice...) Yeah ! yeah. That's it. Like the one in the picture.






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