"With all the stolen bike posts lately (and no one thinking "I wonder if there's something under Useful Links for this."), I think it's well past time to make a sticky about the Stolen Bike Registry"

 - Tank-Ridin' Ryan


Well said Ryan.





Done and done.


And sticky too.



Cheers - Lee Diamond

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Determined bike thieves go to great lengths to get what they want.

"Bike thieves are targeting Deerfield Metra train riders". By Suzanne Le Mignot 9-13-16

"Police identify juveniles stealing cable-locked bikes and selling them at a fraction of their cost."
Hey! I'm new to this and just had my bike stolen at Damen and Argyle near Windy City Liquors in Ravenswood Chicago. It's a Solè 312 Goose Island Bike. I put electrical tape over the 312 so it would be easy to spot for sure. Let me know if any of you see it. I didn't know what else to do and a friend told me about this!! Thanks everybody!!
It's gold and black with gold rims.
Hey neighbour, know your bike sorry to he it got lifted. What time did it go missing?
It was around 9:20pn
Thanks for the reply and yeah if you see anything around the neighborhood let me know!! :)

From: Bikeportland.org. "Is this thing hot? What to do if you think you found a stolen bike."

"If the bike has clearly been left there and the owner/rider isn’t around, please take it in and call the police non-emergency number. Sometimes the bike has been stolen and dumped, or stashed someplace in the bushes for the thief to come back and get later.

Let the call-taker know that you found a bike and would like to turn it in. The call-taker will probably set up a “found property” call for an officer to come and get the bike from you. This is a low priority call, however, so ideally you have some time to wait around—maybe you can put it in your garage for safekeeping and get back to mowing the grass while you wait for the officer.

Upon arrival, the officer will probably do a quick serial number check to see if the bike was reported stolen by serial number. She will ask you where and when you found it, and should give you a receipt for it.

If we can’t immediately determine the owner, we will hold on to it for around 60 days. You may request to keep the bike if we are unable to find an owner. Tell the officer who comes to get the bike that you would like to file a finders claim. Be sure to get a property receipt if you do this. Instructions for filing such a claim are on the back of the receipt. You should also call the Property Evidence Division within five days of turning in the bicycle to be sure your claim was registered—phone number is on the back of the receipt."

"OH, you gotta lock up that front tire!" Yeah, the evil bike thieves are everywhere!

Commercial during Cubs World Series game.

My husband’s bike was stolen last night near Illinois and Lakeshore. It’s a bright blue Trek 1.2 road bike with blue handlebar tape. Here’s the listing on the stolen bike site - appreciate any leads!


chicago.stolenbike.org seems to be down. Unfortunately, I have a report to enter...

While I await the resuscitation of that site, here are the details:

Linus mixte - light blue, rear rack with one blue Ortlieb pannier, Spurcycle bell near the left grip, Kryptonite lock strapped to the rack. Purchased at JC Lind a few years ago (has a sticker on it, I think). Was probably stolen from our garage in Evanston sometime yesterday. My wife remembers riding it Thursday to and from her mom's, but not yesterday. It's likely that she had the garage door open going back and forth working on a project (saws are in the garage). Nothing else was taken that we can see. Bike helmet was left in the garage.

Crisis averted. It turns out a nephew borrowed it and didn't bother to tell us. Our sister-in-law only discovered the bike in their (unlocked) garage today and let my wife know. All's well that ends well.


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