"With all the stolen bike posts lately (and no one thinking "I wonder if there's something under Useful Links for this."), I think it's well past time to make a sticky about the Stolen Bike Registry"

 - Tank-Ridin' Ryan


Well said Ryan.





Done and done.


And sticky too.



Cheers - Lee Diamond

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Even sadder news the owner of this bike was in the shop today putting the word out regarding his stolen bike...

I wish I had been able to just hand him his bike over.

notoriousDUG said:

I am once again going to reiterate how important it is to register you bike on the stolen bike registry!


This morning I saw an Independent Fabrications bike that I am 99.9% sure is stolen.  All of the indicators were there; the 'owner' did not have cycling shoes and it had SPD pedals, there was alock around the frame he did not have a key for, he did not have the proper tool to remove the rear wheel and when questioned about where he got the bike it took him a minute to say his uncle gave it to him.

Sadly the bike had no hits by brand, description or S/N on the registry so they left with it.

Sounds like others are helping to recover stolen bikes on Everyblock, although the original poster has yet to respond:


Report came in at 6:07 pm on Tuesday June 5th. Mr. Barn Door, meet Mssrs. Horses.

notoriousDUG said:

I am once again going to reiterate how important it is to register you bike on the stolen bike registry!


This morning I saw an Independent Fabrications bike that I am 99.9% sure is stolen.  All of the indicators were there; the 'owner' did not have cycling shoes and it had SPD pedals, there was alock around the frame he did not have a key for, he did not have the proper tool to remove the rear wheel and when questioned about where he got the bike it took him a minute to say his uncle gave it to him.

Sadly the bike had no hits by brand, description or S/N on the registry so they left with it.


My awesome schwinn paramount, with a light brown powdercoat, was stolen yesterday, near the corner of elston and diversey. It's super unique, with barend shifters and hand stitched leather handlebars. Please see pic above. It also has allen axle skewers instead of quick release.

Thanks guys


dude, i didn't know that was the one you were talking about. that bike was awesome. sorry for the loss.

Chuck Sapienza said:


My awesome schwinn paramount, with a light brown powdercoat, was stolen yesterday, near the corner of elston and diversey. It's super unique, with barend shifters and hand stitched leather handlebars. Please see pic above. It also has allen axle skewers instead of quick release.

Thanks guys


For whatever reason the registry has been exploding with reports this week.

Thanks to Kevin for doing the bulk of the heavy lifting . . .

Hey all, so I kind of have a real crappy story. I am on a bike tour with a 2011 Cross-Check with Tubus racks and it got clipped from outside the Damen CTA station. The worst.


That's the stolen bike registry. I'm willing to give a 150 dollar reward for the bike if anyone finds it (fully equipped with racks and everything, if it's just a Frankenstein with the same frame I'd give 75, but 150 with racks and brooks saddle). It would also have to be shipped, but I can send money for that too.

So if you are going to the flea market keep this baby in mind it could pay out! Or just if you see it around town maybe keep this post in mind. Email me for the police report and serial number. Would really appreciate it, I'm pretty much rebuilding this tomorrow, but if it ever came back it would be too good to be true.

patdowd88 [at] gmail [dot] com.

I have a scan of the police report and can send pictures too.

Thanks everyone. Other than this shitty occurrence Chicago has ruled and the bike shops and bike community seems real solid.


I would like to get some sort of commitee together with chainlink to find an end all solution to stolen bikes if there is one.  The amount of stolen bikes rises every day and for most of us in chicago they are our cars, our lifestyle, and our recreation.  Some are more expensive than cars, although the chicago police department won't do anything or can't.  I was informed that the CPD is short 3000 officers right now, giving them no room to deal with thefts.  Perhaps city sweeps, craigslist surveillance, get the bike shops involved, a stronger more detailed registry, or any number of things.  I feel like we're fighting this war alone but we need to fight this epidemic together.

Which is / are the best Swap-O-Ramas to scour and when? I know they are all on the weekends, but some are open during the week, too... and they are all over. Is there a better recovery rate for bike stolen in the city at one over another? I'm curious.

Sean - I'm with you! If you want to team up for some street sweeps and getting to bike shops, count me in. I'm also heading to the swaps... 

Sean Struble said:

I would like to get some sort of commitee together with chainlink to find an end all solution to stolen bikes if there is one.  The amount of stolen bikes rises every day and for most of us in chicago they are our cars, our lifestyle, and our recreation.  Some are more expensive than cars, although the chicago police department won't do anything or can't.  I was informed that the CPD is short 3000 officers right now, giving them no room to deal with thefts.  Perhaps city sweeps, craigslist surveillance, get the bike shops involved, a stronger more detailed registry, or any number of things.  I feel like we're fighting this war alone but we need to fight this epidemic together.

In 2010 a group of us made a project out of checking out (literally) all the swaps.

No evidence was found that any significant fencing of stolen bikes was going on at any of them except at 41st and Ashland.  Same with Pawn Shops-- no real pattern of any one of them selling stolen bikes.

There was an incident of around 90 bikes being recovered from a man in Glenview and many of them being found to be stolen-- according to press he claimed to have purchased many or all of them at the Allstate Arena swap.  I spent a few precious hours out there combing over the whole thing one weekend and concluded he probably made that up.

Sean I'm sorry I spaced on the phone call last night; any time today after 3 or so would be fine.

E A said:

Which is / are the best Swap-O-Ramas to scour and when? I know they are all on the weekends, but some are open during the week, too... and they are all over. Is there a better recovery rate for bike stolen in the city at one over another? I'm curious.

A friend's building has 10 foot security fencing around the back. A guy jumped over the fence last night at 3am and walked with a bike, came back at 4am and did it again. The building has security footage of the guy but is being reluctant to share it. Will do my best to get the footage and told them to register the bikes with the registry.


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