"With all the stolen bike posts lately (and no one thinking "I wonder if there's something under Useful Links for this."), I think it's well past time to make a sticky about the Stolen Bike Registry"

 - Tank-Ridin' Ryan


Well said Ryan.





Done and done.


And sticky too.



Cheers - Lee Diamond

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At Maxwell Street two weeks ago, a friend texted me a picture of a 2009 Orbea Onix that sells for $2000 and the man was asking $1200. The man was legit with reciept. ext. I guess it depends on the day..
My friend used to oversee vendor operations at Maxwell Street Market. The official policy was/is that whenever confronted with a legitimate claim that items for sale were stolen (photo, serial #, receipt), police would be summoned and the vendor would have to surrender the items to the claimant. Vendors were made to understand this. This probably moved sales of stolen bikes elsewhere. I'm not sure if there is any such policy at Swap-o-Rama (presumably not).
So my wife and I each carrying a toddler stepped off the train at Irving Park Blue line station and walking from there I noticed two guys turn and walk away, one of whom then proceeded to place the 2' long bolt cutters he was carrying into a hold all. I then saw that various bikes chained to the racks were all lying on the floor.

Mentioned it to my wife and kept an eye on them whilst looking for a patrol car. As the two suspicious guys crossed the road we informed the station attendant who told us that a couple of bikes had recently been stolen.

We noted where the guys were headed and phoned the police when we got home 5 mins later. They said they would send someone. Then Sarah called them again as the two suspects walked past our porch but this time with a bike. They said they were sending someone. I jumped on my bike, kept my distance and followed the guys into a dead end and noted where they went.

Can you find a patrol car when you want one? I even went to the diner and Dunkin Donuts - what are the chances of no police cars at either. I stood on the street or 15 minutes but saw no help from those in blue.

Someone is going to get off their train this afternoon expecting a nice little ride home in the sun and will be very disappointed.

So, I am guessing we should be extra vigilant when locking bikes up, especially around the Blue line up here. Also if you see someone walking around with bolt cutters it is something the police should like to be notified about - it is not normal behaviour and any innocent mechanic or construction worker will have nothing to fear.

So details, if anyone feels like keeping an eye open.

White guy around 6', very stocky, cropped ginger hair, white t-shirt and black shorts. Carrying a black hold all and 3' long bolt cutters.

African American guy around 20yrs old(?), maybe 5'9, cropped black hair, red basketball vest with number '00' in white on back with white side panels containing stars, long black shorts.

Last seen reaching the end of Lowell Avenue as it dead ends one block north of Irving Park with a black coloured bike - possibly not theirs.
Just trying to help.

Could I have done more when I saw them being dodgy - sure but as I said I was with my wife and two two year olds - we are talking bikes here not worth risking any injury, especially not to a two year old. I do not have a cell phone and was not carrying a camera - so no photos. I can do a quick sketch if you like!!?

Just wanted to say of you are locking up around Irving Park and the Blue line there have been a few thefts - keep it in mind.
Simmer down. It was a request for future occurrences. Thank you for reporting this incident.

Steve Dennis said:
Just trying to help.

Could I have done more when I saw them being dodgy - sure but as I said I was with my wife and two two year olds - we are talking bikes here not worth risking any injury, especially not to a two year old. I do not have a cell phone and was not carrying a camera - so no photos. I can do a quick sketch if you like!!?

Just wanted to say of you are locking up around Irving Park and the Blue line there have been a few thefts - keep it in mind.
Sad that this is a common occurrence but I can imagine with the economic climate + popularity of biking it will only get worse. Thank you for the link and a place to put information in case of a theft.

Is the site on the honour system? i.e. I post the bike & serial # in hopes that a vigilant individual or Police Officer finds it?
Anybody ever come up here in Wisconsin and check Seven-Mile Fair to the north of Racine? You could get lucky up there.
My specialized allez was stolen last week friday at 14th and State out of my garage. It is exactly as the pic except in dark grey. I replaced the seat and it now has a bonrtanger seat. I also just put on brand new michelin city tires. The bike has a little damage on the right grip (If sitting on the bike)where the specialized allez plug goes into the bar. Has the carbon fiber front wheel wishbone. There is also a sensor on the front wheel that i left on after removing the computer. It might have 2 stickers, one on the front where the fork attaches to the frame, It says Trinidad & Tobago. Also a sticker of a blue lion on the frame close to the top connection to the steering column. Have a under seat pouch and had a holder for my bike lock on the seat shaft infront of the rear tire. added a pic of a bike similiar to mine except mine is dark grey also a pic of the sticker on the bike.


My 2008 Jamis Aurora was stolen from outside my apartment last night. I've already reported it to the the police and have filed a stolen bike registry entry.

I've attached a recent picture of it from a bike tour I took earlier this month. It's in good shape, and has a velocicy dyad rear wheel, with a locking skewer. It also has random balloons hanging from it and lots of scuffs in the paint. It has two water bottles cages that are bright red and yellow. It has both front and rear racks...so it's somewhat distinctive.

It's not a low mileage bike, but it has a new rear cassette and chain.

If anyone sees it, please let me know. I'll probably try going out to a swap meet this weekend. I'm definitely pretty bummed as I ride this bike everywhere.
So sorry Jami. Will definitely keep a lookout.

jamimaria said:

My 2008 Jamis Aurora was stolen from outside my apartment last night. I've already reported it to the the police and have filed a stolen bike registry entry.

I've attached a recent picture of it from a bike tour I took earlier this month. It's in good shape, and has a velocicy dyad rear wheel, with a locking skewer. It also has random balloons hanging from it and lots of scuffs in the paint. It has two water bottles cages that are bright red and yellow. It has both front and rear racks...so it's somewhat distinctive.

It's not a low mileage bike, but it has a new rear cassette and chain.

If anyone sees it, please let me know. I'll probably try going out to a swap meet this weekend. I'm definitely pretty bummed as I ride this bike everywhere.
very sorry to hear this. I know that is a very special bike.

sending good bike-recovery vibes your way. and I will scrutinize EVERY Jamis I see now

Kevin Conway said:
So sorry Jami. Will definitely keep a lookout.

jamimaria said:

My 2008 Jamis Aurora was stolen from outside my apartment last night. I've already reported it to the the police and have filed a stolen bike registry entry.

I've attached a recent picture of it from a bike tour I took earlier this month. It's in good shape, and has a velocicy dyad rear wheel, with a locking skewer. It also has random balloons hanging from it and lots of scuffs in the paint. It has two water bottles cages that are bright red and yellow. It has both front and rear racks...so it's somewhat distinctive.

It's not a low mileage bike, but it has a new rear cassette and chain.

If anyone sees it, please let me know. I'll probably try going out to a swap meet this weekend. I'm definitely pretty bummed as I ride this bike everywhere.
Thanks guys. I'm definitely pretty bummed as I'd logged thousands of miles with that bike and really enjoyed it. I feel like it's somewhat distinctive and really hope that it gets a flat tire since it has locking skewers.

If anyone sees it, give me a call at 773-841-3979.


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