STOLEN BIKE ALERT: This bike was stolen from the corner of Milwaukee/Sawyer at 8am Saturday. Grey Bianchi 2004 Pista, pink Velocity Deep Vs laced to pink Phil Wood hubs, pink saddle. 

PLEASE CALL POLICE IF SEEN. Then contact Alexis Finch at to let us know it's been found

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Already logged in the stolen bike registry:


oh my goodness, what a pretty bike.

Must have been just visiting visiting because I've never seen that bike before and I walk up sawyer, past Rey's office, and cross Milwaukee every day to shop at Sunrise Market or turn to go to the Logan and see a movie.  I notice all the new bikes.  (The guy with the decrepit Schwiinn 3-speed in front of Rey's office without the shifter cable attached makes me cringe.  One of these day's I'm going to stuff my business card into a crevice.  All it needs is a new indicator chain and it would then have all 3 speeds back.  Cheap fix, the part is like $5 at Boulevard -but I digress.)


Was it parked inside somewhere when it was stolen?


Pretty pink rims, hubs and stubbars.  Probably pedals might make it easier to ride. 

Dummy Pole Alert!


From the stolen registry:


 "My bike was locked to a street sign post with a newer u-lock w/flat key. Someone came by in the 35 minutes that the bike was locked up outside, and removed the bolts from the sign post allowing them to take the bike. U-lock and all. Broad daylight."


The sign in front of Cafe Con Leche on Milwaukee on this street corner is such a sucker pole IMHO. But I always see a bike locked to it.

Someone should create stickers that we can slap on those poles as warnings, similar to the hoboglyphs.


Unfortunately learning such a code would be more complex than just the simple knowledge of what a sucker pole is.  Anyone who knew the code would already be aware of sucker poles.

It's been spotted on Pulaski/Diversey! They're calling cops. *crosses fingers*

WOAH! AWESOME. Keep us posted.

Finch said:

It's been spotted on Pulaski/Diversey! They're calling cops. *crosses fingers*

I wonder if there is some way we could text out stolen bike pics to the chainlink community as soon as they report it so people in the area could be on the look know like an amber alert except its a Stolen Bike Alert. This would probably be great in downtown during business hours.
No luck yet since the earlier sighting.....hopefully someone catches sight of it. Bill's bike is pretty distinct.
.....Seems it has already changed hands at least once now. Sold for $27?


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