Someone stole my bike from in front of the California blue line station today. I don't know why. He was pretty ugly with his name spelled out on the frame. His name was Harold. My guess is he is in pieces by now but if you see him please let me know. 

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Do you have the serial number?

I could kick myself for not getting the serial number. It's one of those things I kept saying I need to do. I have filed a police report, stolen bike registry, Facebook. Now I'm going to go cry to my mom. 

I actually realized my serial number of my bike was printed on the receipt from when I purchased it.  I doubt that's always the case though.

That bike is from Bobby's Bike Hike. You can call them and they should be able to pull up the S/N. We keep them on file for just this reason. 


Martin Hazard said:

That bike is from Bobby's Bike Hike. You can call them and they should be able to pull up the S/N. We keep them on file for just this reason. 

Elizabeth, I hope you find Harold.

Everyone else who does not know their serial number, turn your bike upside down and check the bottom bracket and at least write it down! If you want to do more has a link to the bike index where you can register your bike for free.

Yes, good lesson to get those serial numbers written down.  You can do it at Bike Index so once you write it down you don't lose it....  I'm blanking on his name, (maybe seth?) took a pic of mine at an event at the Comfort Station bike event this summer and registered it.

To the extent that CSBR statistics represent the population at large, less than 1/3 of the people who read this post know what their serial number is or have it written down or photographed.

Here's one of mine:

It's that easy.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Yes, good lesson to get those serial numbers written down.  You can do it at Bike Index so once you write it down you don't lose it....  I'm blanking on his name, (maybe seth?) took a pic of mine at an event at the Comfort Station bike event this summer and registered it.

Robocall campaign needed:)) 

Kevin C said:

To the extent that CSBR statistics represent the population at large, less than 1/3 of the people who read this post know what their serial number is or have it written down or photographed.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Yes, good lesson to get those serial numbers written down.  You can do it at Bike Index so once you write it down you don't lose it....  I'm blanking on his name, (maybe seth?) took a pic of mine at an event at the Comfort Station bike event this summer and registered it.

Thanks for the heads up on Bike Index. Just signed up and registered Folding Thunder.

Very sorry for your loss Elizabeth M. , Tom B.

I'm going to stop by a PD Station today and find out if they still have a Chicago bike registration.  If so I will officially register all my bikes.  The Gitane will be hard - NO serial # anywhere.  I will keep my eyes open for Harold, promise.

Elizabeth,  I had my bike stolen and I found the kid riding my bike three days later.  I got it back and I did not have the serial #.  May I make a suggestion - Never and I mean NEVER use a cable to lock your bike.  They used cable cutters to cut my lock.   I now use only my heavy Krypto Lock.   What kind of lock did you use ?  The police and detectives were useless.  I did my own detective work and searched for my own bike.   I got mine back.  Thank God.  I have a french bike and they do not even make my bike anymore. There were a few scratches on it from the ordeal, yet it could of been a lot worse. Good luck to you.


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