STOLEN Bianchi Pista Dalmine - Wicker Park, or ANYWHERE

This was my bike until I sold it to this cool chick 2 months ago.  Now, some scum has taken it from her.


Please keep an eye out.  It's damn easy to spot.  White with blue bullhorns.  She is offering money and gratitude.

Some differences from a stock Pista Dalmine:


-blue-wrap bullhorns (stock has white flat bars with blue grips)

-white WTB saddle (stock is a blue suede saddle)

-white SKS rear fender with metal hose clamp for security (as shown in picture)

-might have QR code security ID stickers on the inside of one of the fork blades and on the frame where the top tube meets the seat tube.

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I feel sad.

From the facebook:

Don't let the internet get to you. Please forward on the link below to the lady in distress.

List of things to do before and after your bicycle is stolen.

If you forward me a picture, J.W., I'll be happy to add it to her CSBR entry.


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