I just examined 201 of the July bike thefts on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry website (http://chicago.stolenbike.org/) because a recent breakdown of the thefts did not discuss the 39% of bikes that were outside of the "not locked" or "poorly locked" categories - I was curious about those too.
I totaled the different categories of theft and came up with these:
Here's an anecdote about being perceived as overly careful about locking:
A girl who used to lock in the same place as I do asked why I bother with 2 ulocks (front wheel and frame to the rack with a longer one and back wheel to the frame with a shorter one) and why I have a cable and lock on my seat even though I don't have a quick release on it any more. I explained to her that I would prefer not to return from work and find my bike or seat missing. She said "Where do you think you are, in the city? We don't get bike thefts from here." At which point I just smiled and continued locking. She was using one of those word cables that you can buy at the department stores for like $15. 3 weeks later, her bike got stolen during the day while everyone was at work.
Good anecdotes Dann and slow coach. Everyone has a different approach to this.
Here's an interesting data point for you.
I lock up in front of the Merchandise Mart (wells) every day. Probably the coldest day of the year this year, something like Jan 16, I used a cable lock because my ulock was unavailable (bad decision). My bike got stolen.
So this is just one anecdote but suggests to me that at least in the Loop area these thieves are always out there. And also that unlike what somebody suggested previously in this threat, a single U lock is a significant deterrent.
The stats showed 16% but many of us are skeptical of that number, believing it over reports.
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