Unfortunately, after purchasing a set of Ultegra brake calipers, I realized they wont mount to my 81 Bianchi.


Does anyone know where in Chicago I can get a set of good standard nut brake calipers? I know Tektro makes some I just need to find them, or something like it, tomorrow(saturday).


I am open to some sort of trade if anyone has anything cool.

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head over to yojimbo's, he is having a 50% off sale and odds are he will have what you need
You can drill out the hole on the back side, I believe 5/16 is just about the perfect size but I am not 110% sure.
West Town Bikes has open shop tomorrow.  They have at least a couple of milk crates of brake parts last time I was there.
http://sheldonbrown.com/calipers.html tells you how to mount new recessed nut calipers on an old frame. Alternatively, try the good suggestions above or you could dig through the bins at Working Bikes.
Thanks for the recommendations...I will check these out.


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