Spring Bike Wash Time, "YOU pick the Chicago-based Non-profit" edition!



It's time to start thinking of our first bike wash of the season! I'm thinking I'd like to go for the last Saturday or Sunday of April. Get peoples' bikes cleaned up and washed after the winter!



* THIS IS THE FIRST OF MANY TO COME. My vision is for the Chainlink to be a driving force for giving back to our community through events like the bike wash.


We have to pick a local Chicago non-profit that is aimed at helping people in need. So who do YOU want to raise money for? 100% of the donations will be sent to the charity of our choice. I've been saying the rule is I get to pick Open Books as the first one, but really I don't mind if more people are in favor of other ideas.


Hopefully this is the first of many, so we will have plenty of opportunity to choose the charities we all care about. So many of you have approached me asking when the next one will be and if we can do more. That's wonderful and exciting! You are all generous and beautiful people!


So, what say y'all? Let's get planning!




My vote: Open Books http://www.open-books.org

Open Books is a Chicago non-profit literacy and education program run almost entirely by volunteers to teach fundamental reading & writing skills for children and illiterate adults. They also own and operate a huge used book store that receives its inventory completely by donation. The money spent there funds Open Books and their programs.

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Pick any local animal shelter, food deposit, or any school related project.. I know all of them could use the money. Any way to do these on Sunday afternoons? You might get more people.

We can do Sunday if more people want to.


And the non-profit we choose must be for assisting people, no animal or environmental causes, sorry.

yay. dirty bike season is here. everyone can stock up on citrus degreaser (buy a gallon really cheap at home depot. it lasts a long time). Joe - I will be there except april 8-19 (out of the country).
what about ciclo urbano ?  folks can get the bike repaired *and* washed in the same day ?
Bump -- Wanna see more folks suggesting non-profits and get this ball rolling!
How about Chicago SW PADS, a homeless shelter on the SW side. A good cause and a big need!

Joe Sak said:
Bump -- Wanna see more folks suggesting non-profits and get this ball rolling!

Oh my bike could use a good cleaning!


I am not familiar enough with local charities to make an informed suggestion, but I'll be happy to support and I second Sunday (not before noon though...).

also : Casa Central (California Ave) between division and north is a good group. we can party in humboldt park afterwards

Joe Sak said:
Bump -- Wanna see more folks suggesting non-profits and get this ball rolling!

Thank you Dan. Can you please:


* Provide links

* Describe the charity in a couple of sentences



http://www.howardbrown.org/ - Howard Brown!!

They came very close to closing in November and were able to scrape enough together to cover their costs until this spring. They provided physical and mental health services and counseling for 40,000 gay ,lesbian and transgendered people in need every year. I have no insurance and get my well woman care there and can't say enough good things about the work they do. They also provide a ton of community services for youth and the elderly.

The above option is a very good one. I know a few people who go there and it does a great service in the community!


Just realized the first weekend in April is Cubs home opener. but I will still come.

We can change the date


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